selves. It is where our soul lives and it is often the driving force behind our behaviors. The unconscious is the world of self-knowledge and personal truths. The unconscious holds our deepest memories and experiences. The Tarot is a doorway. It reveals the inner workings of our own unconscious and enables us to discover our own personal knowledge.
Most importantly, the Tarot enables us to giving meaning to our own lives. The symbolisms reflected throughout the Tarot are archetypal in nature. Archetypes are universal themes that reflect basic patterns of human experience. They are the thoughts and emotions that are shared by all. The archetypal imagery throughout the Tarot is universal in nature. They are symbolic of the life stages we journey through from birth to death. They always reflect were we are developmentally and reveal the significant life lessons we must come to learn and accept.
Carolyn Naiman is a professional Tarot Reader and Webmaster of
She has a Masters in Psychology and has been a Tarot advisor since 1998.
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