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Question by Emily?: Does the book ‘Dreamland’ By Sarah Dressen have anything bad as in sexual in it?
The description for it is: Rogerson Biscoe, with his green eyes and dark curly hair, is absolutely seductive. Before long, sixteen-year-old Caitlin finds herself under his spell. And when he starts to abuse her, she finds she’s in too deep to get herself out…

So people who have read the book please tell me if there is anything at all ‘bad’ in it..


Best answer:

Answer by lairecay
No there is not. They make out a lot but nothing too sexual.
Edit: Well, actually they do. I remember now. He keeps pleading with her to do it with him, and she eventually gives in. It’s not described word for word, though. You just find out.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

3 Responses to Does the book ‘Dreamland’ By Sarah Dressen have anything bad as in sexual in it?

  • ???Merry Estelle??? says:

    Nothing like sexually graphic is in it, though, Rogerson does abuse Caitlin and that is a little graphic… He also smokes pot and is a drug dealer…

    It’s a good book but it does have some “bad” things in it…

  • A.JONAS says:

    not really, i mean makeout parts in the car and one part at his house but nothing goes into detail.
    it’s a really good book, read it

  • Sarah T says:

    They have sex, but it’s not described or anything. There is some drug use but it’s not super graphic.

    I wouldn’t consider anything in it to be ‘bad.’ It deals with a mature topic – relationship abuse – but it’s nothing a teenager couldn’t handle.

    And it’s a good book – I’d recommend it.

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