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Question by Luna Dreamer Chaos: Does the christian canonization have hidden esoteric rites? Have any of the rites evolved from pagan ones?
Can we find similarities to any other religions?
What are the simbolisms of canonization?

Best answer:

Answer by Silent
I don’t know anything about canonization specifically, but almost all Christian rituals are derived from pre-existing Pagan ones. I doubt if canonization is an exception.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

5 Responses to Does the christian canonization have hidden esoteric rites? Have any of the rites evolved from pagan ones?

  • Sentinel says:

    I take it you mean Catholic rites of canonisation! the criteria for sainthood is pretty straight-forward, the candidate for canonisation has to be shown as having lived the Gospel of Christ to an heroic extent forsaking the spirit of this world and having achieved a high level of humility in serving God and people.
    The final requirement is that at least three miracles can be vouched for due to the persons intercession.
    The structure of canonisation is not mirrored in any other religion or sect and it is entirely through the Apostolic authority of the church.
    God bless.

  • Scott M says:

    Are you referring to Catholic cannonization? I’m not aware that Protestants had such things.

    While I am not familiar with the detailed ins and outs of canonization, it is a pretty good bet that a great many ritual aspects were originally pagan. Christianity incorporated a great many pagan traditions into its rites and dogma…not merely Catholicism, but pretty much every branch of the faith.

    As did Islam later on. As did Mormonisn much later on.

    There is very, very little originality in religion.

  • zenterribilis says:

    Most all Christian rites evolved from Pagan rites,they took what they needed and left the rest…@zen@…

  • Azure Z says:

    Its rumored that the Catholic church has many ancient secret rites that the lay people are not aware of. Many of them are supposed to be derived from ancient pagan rituals. I suspect that some of these types of rites are more common in certain branches of the Catholic church than in others.

    Hinduism certainly contains tons of ancient esoteric rites. However, its arguable whether or not they were evolved from paganism. This is primarily due to the fact that, by certain definitions, Hinduism IS a type of paganism. Thus, they wouldn’t be evolved from paganism, they would simply be part of paganism. Of course, since Hinduism is so large, complex, and diverse, its hard to make any broad statements about it with any accuracy.

    There are many schools of Buddhism and some of those definitely contain esoteric rites derived from pagan beliefs. Tibetan Buddhism is probably the branch of Buddhism that contains the largest number of these types of rites.

  • Tahuti says:

    There is Esoteric Christianity, and even Christ Consciousness literature out there. Do a search in and you’ll find stuff.

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