Question by trade_marked27: Does the pagan ritual handfasting require a priest/priestess to perform the ceremony?
Thanks alot, please no stupid answers or religious debates over pagan rituals
Best answer:
Answer by Atom74 – the big finale
i don’t know if it is a rule, there are two types of hand fasting as well. One is for a year and a day, one is forever. I went to one, a high priestess was there yes.
What do you think? Answer below!
usually they are, because its a lot of material to learn, design, and perform. however, a handfasting can be done by anyone who has the knowledge and willingness to!
It really does depend on the ritual.
The term “handfasting” is Nordic/Celtic, although other
tradtitions now use it, regardless of whether any actual
binding of hands occurs during the ceremony. It has
come to simply mean “wedding” for Pagans.
Two things are required…
First, as a spiritual matter, the person performing the
wedding must be a Priest or Priestess of the couple’s
religion, or a spiritually compatible alternative.
Second, as a legal matter, the Priest or Priestess must
be legally authorized to perform a marriage in the county
where the license was issued, and where the wedding is
going to occur.
The Priest or Priestess will sign the license and return
the appropriate copy to the county recorders office, where
it is registered and becomes official. The couple will then
receive notification, and they should retain that for their
If the persons getting married are from out of state or
another country, they should verify that their place of
residence accepts the marriage license from the place
where it has been issued and registered.
That’s all there is to it.
Many Blessings,
I agree with Labgrrl – it depends on the ritual. And the couple. When my hubby and I moved in together before we were married, we decided to have our own little ritual, him and me and the Universe making promises to each other. Didn’t ask for permission, wasn’t looking for validation or formality. It was a beautiful day 20 years ago this July. When I get asked to do ceremonies, I always ask the couple what they want to vow – to stay together a year and a day? as long as love lasts? for eternity? and then I won’t agree to more than a year and a day
because anything else is for them to dictate.