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the divine. In opposition with the Sun, the center of our conscious awareness and clarity Neptune is a potent possibility to link us to the divinity and guide us from a higher perspective.

Have you ever had that experience of total clarity and you just knew where you needed to go or what action to take? Whenever I have one of those moments of crystal clarity I feel exhilarated and delisciously in the divine flow.

You Inner Guidance System

How can you be totally receptive and connected to wisdom? Do you go out and have counseling sessions to guide you?

In my meditation this morning a memory popped into my mind. I remembered an event over 20 years ago happening in Germany with a clairvoyant card reader. In those days I loved to check out the different ways people would go about with their counseling sessions and it helped me a great deal to develop my own style of giving my astrological readings.

In those days I still had this fascination and believe that there is a fixed future. I was already feeling the pull to leave Germany and wanted to get some more clarity around that. I asked her what she could tell me about that and where would be a good place for me to go. Her answer was very strong: “You will not leave Germany and all the good men for you are here in Germany.” Oops! That was not what I wanted to hear. I was single at that time and I was ready for a change in my life. I was looking for support for my inner longing to expand my life and leave cold Germany for at least part of the year. Little did I know what life had in store for me and I would end up on Maui, married now for 14 years.

But I did have an inkling, some kind of inner knowing, some inner tug for a

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Lotus Tarot card readings can show you a fresh perspective on your life.
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