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different life style then I was currently having. What she said didn’t feel right somehow, I needed to trust my own inner guidance more then her suggestion and that I did.

When we are at cross roads in life we might find ourselves reaching for a higher perspective in a counseling session through tarot cards, astrology or maybe clairvoyance. In astrology we perceive that people coming to us often have strong transits activating their life themes.

When I start with a reading I always point out that if you only take 2 or 3 important thoughts home it has been valuable for you. I remind you that I am only your mirror to reflect your own inner truth and wisdom. Be aware where you resonate with what I am saying and use that as an entry to your own inner knowing. The use of astrology is so elegant because it allows you to step a little back from your identification with your structures and your personality. More inner freedom and insight will come out of that.

A good reading should deepen your access to your inner knowing and truth. You should feel clear and uplifted and empowered at the end of a session.

Magnets of Self-Fulfilling Prophecies

As far as future events are concerned we are creators of our own life. If we believe something to be happening for us the chances are pretty good that it will. Whenever a belief is charged with strong emotion it becomes very attractive and like a magnet. That strong emotion could be your excitement about your vision or your fear of something to happen. Both are strong emotions and when they are tied to an expectation there are very, very powerful attractors.

Do not believe everything you have been told. For example I had once a very

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Lotus Tarot card readings can show you a fresh perspective on your life.
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