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upset client come to me who had been told that she would have an accident in autumn. Looking into her chart revealed a Uranus Mars transit. But putting it into the potential form of an accident it was doing a disservice to the client by setting a very powerful negative magnet.

As I see it we have so many different choices in any given moment and all those different potential futures may evolve out of it. Nothing is written in stone! That is why it is so powerful to know about the Law of Attraction and the Law of Allowing. You can be conscious and powerful creators of the life you desire.

As astrologers we have to be responsible, very conscious and artful to use the power of self- fulfilling prophesies for the best for our clients. We can set magnets with the highest potential inherent in the planetary qualities and configurations and thus open a pathway with conscious efforts to reach there. Consciousness is a powerful tool if used the right way.

Mercury Is Turning Retrograde in Virgo August 20

This retrograde period will continue until September 12. We can look at all the possible trouble Mercury retrograde can bring or if we use our consciousness to help the underlying potential to bloom. The potential of Mercury in its own sign Virgo is plentiful.

The planet Mercury, being closest to the sun and having the smallest orbit, appears to move the fastest around the sun—its year is just 88 days long. In astrology Mercury is associated with our mind (intellect, curiosity), all forms of communication, information, science, youthfulness, and travel. Mercurial people are highly intelligent and they apply their intellect and curiosity to all that attracts their interest. They have a

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