Question by PaleSnow: Dont you just love this christian song?
Listen to it:
When Im depressed and I hear this song it makes me feel strong, because it makes me know the lord is here with me. And please no Atheist or Pagan here telling me they dont believe in god because thats not my question.
@ to Alexis if you dont like it than scr3w you. And yes people its a wonderful song.
Best answer:
Answer by Alexis
Ha, ha. Very funny.
That was the most God-awful noise I’ve heard in I don’t know *how* long. Don’t fall for it, people.
Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!
I always thought DMX was, you know… kind of bada**. Guess not.
That’s pretty intense. I love that one.
That guy can’t sing, or rap. He has a bad voice, and the song doesn’t really speak to me or anything…