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Doomsday Theory 2012- A Scientific Explanation of the End of this Planet

Are you aware of the doomsday theory 2012 which was put forward by the astronomers recently? Many people are not bothered with this matter as it is not affecting their lives now. Some people feels the concept funny and turn their faces at this new hypothesis. Is it a myth about the world going to end on 21 December 2012? If you look at doomsday theory 2012 from religious, metaphysical and scientific view, you can see the facts pointing in the same direction. Everything which happens on the surface of Earth is somehow related to the events taking place in the galaxy. Global warming, deadly diseases like plague, Epidemic diseases and floods are all caused due to changes in the cosmic activities. This is not believed by many people and thinks all these statements as absurd.

Know More About 2012 Official Countdown

Doomsday theory 2012 was calculated from the Mayan calendar. The people of this civilization were very talented in the field of astronomy and mathematics. They created a mathematical calculator using which the dates of mishaps were calculated. Every tragedy which occurred on this planet was recorded in their calendar. You will be more surprised when you come to know that doomsday theory 2012 was explained 5000 years before in the I-Ching prophecies. Both these civilizations did not have any contact with each other and were alien to each other. Yet, the predictions made by both the calendars come to an abrupt end on 21 December 2012.

There are many other solid proofs laid down by the scientists to confirm their statement. It is above the human

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