Dream Shards and Frozen Orbs After 3.0.8
I’m pleased to introduce our very first Guest Poster -> Markco from Just My Two Copper. His blog is focused on the WoW economy and he shares his tips for making gold in WoW. I’ve popped over to his blog a few times and I’ve enjoyed getting his insights on the economic tides of the game as various changes are implemented by Blizzard. He was also recently featured on Tobold’s MMORPG Blog, so he’s shaping up to be an active participant in the WoW blogging family.
Markco has offered to write a post with his thoughts on the best way to capitalize on the Dual-Spec feature that many of us believe is right around the corner (I vote next patch!). I’m sure this is something that most Scribes are thinking about, I know I’m looking for ways to revive my recent sad efforts with Inscription. So without further ado, here’s his analysis:
“How to prepare for 3.1 Dual Specs – by Markco
Hello everyone! This is my first guest post on Kaliope’s blog and I want to show you all how to prepare for when the much anticipated dual spec patch goes live. I am the owner, operator, and daily poster for Just My Two Copper and I bring a 10-year game designer’s look at how to make gold in world