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Check out my website @ for a huge resource to expand your awareness of Self through Gnosis or Direct Knowledge.. Create your own reality, 2012 not cataclysmic, Russian physics, Dr. Sergey Smelyakov Auric Time Scale, Mayan Calendar, spiral imploding into 2012 changing consciousness, Ascended abilities, spiritual growth The Hidden Messages In Water by Masaru Emoto, The Holographic Universe by Michael Talbot, The Master Tells Stories by Dharma Master Cheng Yen, The Sword Of Wisdom by Ch’an Master Sheng-yen, The Rose That Grew From Concrete by Tupac Shakur, Surviving With Wolves by Misha Defonseca,The Terracotta Army by John Man, The Private Papers Of Eastern Jewel by Maureen Lindley elysha, spiritual teacher, self realized teacher, awakening, enlightenment teacher, spirituality, enlightened teacher, nirvana, authentic enlightenment teachers, self realization, meditation, consciousness, reality, freedom, being, satsang, amness, self, oneness, love, happiness, lovebliss, heaven, truth, reincarnation, liberation, karma, zen, unconditional love, light, non-thinking, present moment, awareness, life, heart, mystic, advaita, non duality, lightmind, rebirth, existentialism, taoism, darshan, now, contentment, buddha, buddhism, ramana maharshi, tolle, nisargadata maharaj, adyashanti, dharma, beauty, harmony, immensity, everything, wonder, it, isness, clarity, bliss, nowhere, exquisiteness, infinity, forever, religiousness, ecstasy, siddhi

For more on spirituality, 2012 and meditation, please visit and Dr. Leonard Horowitz speaks about spirituality, the importance of water and how water affects our DNA. Feel free to share this with your friends on Facebook, MySpace, through email and in forums. Honors for this video (2) #55 – Most Discussed (Today) – Science & Technology #25 – Top Favorited (Today) – Science & Technology

50 Responses to Drugs/Psychedelics & Spirituality [1/2]

  • melodyrecord says:

    Einstein owes much of his success to his wife – whom he did not treat very well. She filled in where his Aunt left off. A shame women’s key contributions are “forgotten/ignored”!
    See: Einsteins Wife/ The Story of Mileva Maric Einstein on PBS.

  • vickim247 says:

    I’m thankful for what this video has revealed to me!

  • dedset1 says:

    in the movie ,down the rabbit hole it speaks of the water,great stuff

  • iAMr3VOLution1 says:

    this is exactly what 2012 is all about.. its a paradigm shift. the world is not goin to end, it is mankinds old beliefs that are ending. . Humanity is EVOLVING.

  • kayzon7 says:


  • rcacad says:

    @in5d Nassim Haramein has a pretty technical breakdown of the nature of the universe and it gives a sort of a principal for matter creation, energy, life ect…

  • whyyoumadlol says:

    @in5d take that logic back a couple hundred years and you have burning witches and flat planets.

  • SUPRADUDE1631 says:

    JESUS is Lord

  • SUPRADUDE1631 says:

    JESUS is Lord.

  • SpotTheCaper says:

    good metaphor 😀

  • nimbostratusdweller says:

    Einstein was raised by his Aunt who was a Christian Scientist. He was told he couldn’t learn in school, and true to CS, his aunt refused this claim.

  • ElectroPaganAnon says:

    Nicely presented!

    Thank you.

  • 00Conscience says:

    Infinite Love is the Only Truth

  • zxzrp0 says:

    NIcely put.

  • zxzrp0 says:


  • vadimcream says:

    And lastly,
    Why on earth are you so obsessed with my butt-hole? The whole reason why I said it was demented had nothing to do with whether or not I believe colonics are healthy (yes they are!).

    It had EVERYTHING to do with the fact that it was just a gross and ridiculous way to open your argument to me.

    You act as if I’m some kind of bully, but you’re the one who pre-emptively copped the condescending attitude. Please grow up.

  • vadimcream says:


    My mind is only scientific compared to yours, and I think it’s really sad that you seem to intimate that would even be a bad thing. The truth is you want to hear nothing of true science, because when it is applied to things such as this video you are defending, the empty claims of it are shattered and your faith in it is exposed as blind.

  • vadimcream says:


    He did not believe in a Creator God. He spoke of God as a metaphor for nature, that is NOT a creator god. Furthermore it is clear he had NO BELIEF IN AN AFTERLIFE, so evidently, if he DID even believe in a deistic god, that god did not endow him with a soul.

    You put the term scientific mind in quotes as if that is a bad thing

  • gigiontube says:

    I did not say that Einstien went to church, or he was Penticostal or anything like that, all I said was he believed in God the Creator. And these videos are about exactly that. You have a history of picking on anyone with your “scientific” mind. Keep it to yourself and let other be. Some of us had enough “evidence”, we want to go beyong that…if that is okay with you.
    And cleansing your colon is not a demented grossness. You better research the subject before calling me demented.

  • vadimcream says:

    Lastly gigi, I just have to say that you are clearly the arrogant one of the two of us. I never even disputed the existence of god within any of the comments I left and yet you jumped straight into this BS point and incorrectly used an adamant atheist to support your sanctimonious attack against me… The facts do NOT support your claim and FYI, the fact that you started your initial comment with “you need to cleanse your colon” displayed your demented grossness right off the bat.

  • vadimcream says:


    You will find this is true if you research properly and furthermore if you scour for more quotes in which Eisntein does discuss this elusive god you will NEVER find a quote that supports a belief in a biblical interpretation of god…

    “It was of course a lie about my religous convictions, a lie that is being systematically repeated. I do not believe in a personal god and have not denied this but have expressed it clearly.” – Einstein

  • vadimcream says:


    Einstein’s use of the word god was always as a sort of metaphor to describe the mysteries of physics and the natural world, this is known by scientists and historians alike. His only objection to being quoted by atheists is that he disliked their strident approach, not disagreed with their views.

    To take the quotes which you used out of context and use them falsely as a record of a supposed belief is to rob them of their nuance and to exploit them into something Einstien never intended.

  • blowngdw says:

    the new world order WILL fall

  • gigiontube says:

    In the view of such harmony in the cosmos which I, with my limited human mind, am able to recognise, there are yet people who say there is no God. But what makes me really angry is that they quote me for support for such views. (The Expanded Quotable Einstein, Princeton University Press, p. 214)

  • gigiontube says:

    Then there are the fanatical atheists whose intolerance is the same as that of the religious fanatics, and it springs from the same source . . . They are creatures who can’t hear the music of the spheres. (The Expanded Quotable Einstein, Princeton University Press, 2000 p. 214)

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