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50 Responses to Drugs/Psychedelics & Spirituality [1/2]

  • Matthalamew says:

    This man is so close to my heart and I hardly know him….
    ST Michael is the the Arch Angel of the Jews… and those who love God are Jews!

  • TruthAmen says:

    @teddet87 AMEN

  • roidrage11 says:

    @teddet87 i will agree with you if you are saying that drugs are not a good means of guidance, but religion is a far worse one.

  • walterwz says:

    Simple fact certain psychoactive substances enhance and strengthen the ambient mind control and certain psychoactive substances break down the control. I can’t really speak from experience but from my observation the highly addictive drugs, nicotine, alcohol, methamphetamine all lower consciousness.

    I went into a catholic religious order right out of HS. I was there for 7 years. When I made friends outside of the order and started getting high, I was able to break the control.

  • EsotericWorldViews says:

    @tiediegoddess =]

  • tiediegoddess says:

    thank you,

  • teddet87 says:

    @hemptime123 I know from being young and inexperienced you may not understand. I hope that this helps you. 1Tim. 4:1 James2:19 and 3:15 Rev.16:14

  • teddet87 says:

    what are you saying? mean?

  • hemptime123 says:

    @teddet87 tedett, you to, are schizo

  • hemptime123 says:

    @kristianVenlo kristian, you’re schizo.. lmfao

  • teddet87 says:

    truthfully when that happens that is a demon that try to get you to think like that.
    believe me they are there and your not really aware they are. it happen to me too.
    i don’t know exactly why but they are able to penetrate into your mind when you are high. i learned so much from the bible and trust the TRUTH from God’s word.

  • 99ialwzwin says:

    I agree with cannabis but for some people like me based on your environment and other biological and external factors it can make you paranoid and psychotic. It helped me for awhile to open up to the unknown and question my conditioning and suffering but on the other hand it made me paranoid and psychotic. I would love to try LSD though.

  • timone1002 says:

    the biggest misconception of the state of oneness that is expirienced in psychadelics is that true godliness and oneness trancends duality to form a singularity… like a pyramid…. but true oneness trancends the idea of duality and singulairty… its never about one or the other… ever! psychadelics are good for first breaking out though…

  • looneytune3562 says:

    I find it good to use every now and then but once I got addicted it was terrible for my life and mental well being.

    Balance is a key for everything.

    Cool vid thanks for sharing your thoughts 🙂

  • Joshglenncooper says:

    Hey man just watched a couple of your videos and I very much enjoyed them. The psychedelic experience is without a doubt a vital part of human evolution, people can deny it all they want but its true. Here in the UK they fired a drugs advisor and professor for saying that “LSD is less dangerous than alcohol.” People just cannot stand to have thier little bubble burst and have this damaging fear of the un-known. Its like being scared of yourself which all of us have been forced to be.

  • EsotericWorldViews says:

    @gonz111 HUH? 😀

  • gonz111 says:

    is that paul rodriguez

  • beyondhumanidea says:

    you are just like me ,i was high the first time i got a shaktipat too ,it helped to activate them,i must have set my self up in this life with canabis because it wont go awayLOL

  • jelleeee1 says:

    wen i first took mushrooms i fel into a bush and wen i was in the bush it felt like 10 minates lasted for a hour and i fot i was like the kid frm honey i shrunk the kids and the bush became a large forest and the spiders and ants became massive with big antlers and u cud hear them walk it was lyk motion picture in the cinama my 2 other friends jumpd into the bush to cuz they fot there mum was comeing in the car but they just laughed the entire time, wat a nyt

  • SmokeyMichiel says:

    But hey it works, and cannabis and many other drugs can in fact open things in your consciousness you’d otherwise would never be able to. Just make sure you do it in places where you feel safe and with people you really trust. If I wouldn’t have done that, God knows how it could have ended:) Not to forget you should always use the drug, never let the drug use you.
    Jah bless
    Bun dem system everyday

  • SmokeyMichiel says:

    Now in my time doing drugs I’ve learnt a lot about my own reality and the way this “Beast” works. I also learnt a lot about it’s creators and their true intentions. I went to the bottom of myself and this world. Eventually ending up with anxiety’s and a own life that was on a hold. But being sober for some time now, and all this new knowledge I start to bring into practice, I notice how much easier life seems to be. I wouldn’t recommend people this way, because there are easier ways.

  • SmokeyMichiel says:

    I’ve had an almost similar experience as you tell here. Cannabis did help me escape what he calls the beast:P but after seeing those messages everywhere(and not only messages but also some more creepy stuff) I did decide it was enough for me. That I shouldn’t run from the beast but find the courage to face it. I felt running from it was exactly what the creators of this beast want.

  • lysergicaddict says:

    tis the age of the pratyekabuddha’s 😉

  • SeekingSelf says:

    DMT is the crown jewel on the top of all psychedelics. Its whats in ayahuasca brews that have been used for thousands of years. James if you never tried it, i suggest you do, would love to hear your thoughts on it.

  • iDIMi says:

    Can you explain that a little more? Im trying to learn that.

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