This video shows where if your real lazy like me you can get Holy Water on tap so to speak! Notice I’m in a graveyard ie Consecrated ground so the water you get from thier is blessed, wether it by Priest of Cristianity or Pagan priest it’s the same thing it comes from CONSECRATED GROUND wich I believe is the best Holy water becauase it’sw meant for no particular faith. You can find these taps of water at most graveyards. Thanks
Part 1 of a reply to the video Magickal Hummingbird and the comments from Jess on it. AClRCLEOFLlGHT’s email to me. Hey Ron Hey Ron, this is definately not going to be a letter you would expect from me, but being a good friend I had to let you know. I’m no longer atheist or pagan. I had a revelation while up in the mountains here in WA and something just hit me. I can’t explain it, but my logic for a God changed 180 degrees and it threw all my beliefs out of wack. I’m kinda hoping some of my friends don’t turn their backs on me, but atleast I’ll soon find out who is and who isn’t a friend. I’m not saying I’m christian or anything. I could never give myself that title, but I do believe in a God and I do believe that Wicca is drastically incorrect, but you’ll never see me bashing pagans. You guys are always going to be my first family what ever path my life leads me to. Cheers and Good Vibes my friend.
Video Rating: 4 / 5
Your sky daddy, the who’s dick stretches to your mouth as you like to suck on it, has shown no presence what so ever. But anyway, even though you have no moral standard of your own to do what you are taught to do, except sucking the god cock. Drama is what you tend to feed on and that is the reputation you get on youtube whether you want it or not. The only way to stop this is by stepping off your moral high horse, or we’ll simply kill the horse. How about it, punk?
LMAO!!! Wow you really know nothing do you. Your gowd is the fake one around here as well as every man made religion. Hell ever you are a fake person. You pretend you are something you’re not, a good fucking human being. What have you done to better your fellow human being? Nothing that’s what. As far as “magic wands” go, we all know what kind of wand you enjoy now don’t we.
@PaganRon Hey go play with you’re magic wand and call on you’re fake goddess!! she’ll help ypu when she is done flying on her broom!
Your god is a joke on humankind and a bad one at that. And if your videos are a sine of what you have learned then your more stupid then I give you credit for. As far as your little “you’re not a threat to me”, remember this little man. You can’t even dream of the shit I can do on this keyboard, fuck with me and you will find out.
@PaganRon Wow,do what you want? i can rate a vid anyway i want also. You have no idea what i have learned also. you forget how you attacked my vids,remember you’re soc accounts.I will leave you alone because you’re not worth my effort! and you’re not a threat to me! You will stand before my God oneday and you can tell Him you’re story. I won’t be back.
Oh and by the way Saunders I seen the one stars on me videos, you know two can play games if you wish to go that way. But remember in the realm of Martial Arts I have been trained in the mind set that if needed to defend myself then there are no rules, no such thing as fighting dirty. The only thing you think of is taking your attacker out, forever. Do you wish to carry on or are you going to stop acting like a jackass?
Hay fucktard how about you go get your eyes fixed or something ok kid. You come on here like I give two shits on what you have to say. In the real world you don’t matter and neath does you fucked in the head God. So how about you quit trying to suck me off and go play a game of Hide And Go Fuck Yourself.
The above comment is directly aimed at SaunderSacts2618. It is a direct quote as written, including the typos from Rev. Jack. Video gets 5*
As you harm with your word and the words of hate nad murder from you imaginary bible. So what gives the the right to cmoe over her and be such a Hypicrital Pompus Ass? Can’t find anybody to brainwash with the xian hate, murder,rape, killing and eating of children ? Then take one of those “lost soul homos” down the alley and preach to them if you can talk with your mouth full. With all your hate, nobody here cares what you say. Ok Suckasack? Get fucking lost(seriously dude) get lost, no tears.
Acircleof light and i did not get along at first!! But he is a friend now!! Funny you pagans say you harm none and do as you will!! But you harm with you’re words!!
I give your wife props Ron, for being who she is. Interesting video though.
Ya no kidding after all they have taken, you can’t touch then now. And there good people to boot.
So this guy is going to proselytize the Atheists?
Those guys deal with more crap online then we pagans do.
I’m a big subscriber to Atheists, most of my friends are Atheists. I love hearing they’re views on things and they’re rational which actually helps develop my spirituality.
If Circle wants to be safe on Youtube then he’d best leave the Atheists alone. They’ve been banned, vote botted, censored, had videos and profiles taken down. Atheists are prepared for anything and they usually win.
I truly understand where you are coming from bud, but he has tossed so much of his hate at me that at this point in time, I really don’t want to talk to him anymore. Where there was a friendship he has trashed it. I really want nothing more to do with him from now on.
Maybe, something bad happened in his life. I dont know exactly what the whole story is, but maybe you guys should talk…and I mean REALLY talk. Maybe he needs somebody to talk to, and confide in. Not my buisness, but try talking …man to man.
And it is really disheartening to see what was a friend go the way he has chosen to go. I really liked Jess, he was one hell of a stand up guy. I just wish I knew what happen to him to make him turn on everyone of his friends.
Ya I know, right.
Thats pretty much the reason I stopped making videos dude. It may sound a bit shallow of me, but I find it VERY hard to trust people here now. I just hate spending time getting to know people, for them to stab me in the back and treat the friendship like it never happened.
Well man I have been better. Watching some one that I called a friend at one point acting and attacking in such a way has really got me down man.
I need to make a come back and get in on this action dude! And no offence but I think Magical HB…is a bit of a cook fluff bunny! lol
How you been man?
This message is fore ALL involed in …..what ever is going on here. We ALL choose our actions & reactions, wether we own them or NOT. Remember this…It ONLY takes two to fight. Keep seeking KNOWLEDGE, Live Long and Prosper, Blessed Be!!! Nice to meet yore wife, just sorry under these circumstances.
Okay . .here is my blanket term
Christianity is brainwash. I don’t know what happened (Im not very activeo Youtube), but this seems to be the “jist” of it. This guy obviously was speaking to someone on the mountian, be it God or a bible and brainwash set in.
Hi Ron its been some time, I think Jess is miss informed I know personally that magicalhummingbird has been sneaking around try to pick fights with people that she mistakenly sees as someone she can get over on. MHB does not have the balls to be out in the open about anything to the whole youtube pagan community. MHB is nothing but a sneaky delusional BITCH.
PS. Trying to get a hold of PaganSteve but no luck, do you know why he left youtube? I know he has a video out but is there something else?
Thank you for clearing that up doll.
nephtali is not nephelemfree.. i know i made the same mistake when i first saw it its the neph part of the user name … but they are different people.. that much i do know who nephtali is i have no clue never spoken to the man but he isnt nephelemfree