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Acharya S is a scholar classically educated in archaeology, history, mythology and languages. Acharya specializes in religion and mythology, critiquing and comparing them, and providing unique insights into their origins. Although born into a Christian (Congregationalist Protestant) family, Acharya does not subscribe to any particular religion, nor is she a hardcore “atheist.” Acharya is the author of the controversial books “The Christ Conspiracy: The Greatest Story Ever Sold”; “Suns of God: Krishna, Buddha and Christ Unveiled”; “Who Was Jesus? Fingerprints of The Christ”; and “Christ in Egypt: The Horus-Jesus Connection.” Among other less flattering things, Acharya S has been called “the ranking religious philosopher of our era” and “the voice of reason amidst global chaos.” Her web site contains a wealth of information about: religion spirituality mythology archaeology history astrotheology archaeoastronomy … http For more on the Pagan Roots of Easter, see:

25 Responses to Easter – Christian or Pagan?

  • Bdthe1st says:

    Christian is NOT pagan, educate yourself on the New Testament, And the Old Testament, and the first 3 centuries of Christianity… then educate yourself on the Catholic-Pagan Vatican… which is Pagan. Also Islam, is Pagan. Also, everything accept for Jesus Christ is Pagan!

    Message me and I can explain to you why Christ is God. And He does not copy any ancient god. I can also explain where the ancient religions came from….

    And Video maker, when is Acharya gonna use her real name?

  • DonaldHellsing says:

    So glad I gave up on Christianity.

  • npf2135 says:

    @thekingofcraps Just another Christain,,, Anyone that believe in god is brain dead

  • satanshalldie says:

    @SummerSunshine1988 yes and shes called mother earth

  • thekingofcraps says:

    Just another Atheist…anyone who believes this trash is on the way to Hell

  • WarVideo says:

    Whats the relation between easter and the summer solstice?

  • SapperK9 says:

    As an old soldier, in pre-roman times, she’d have been mine…

    Ishtar is a goddess of fertility, love, war, and sex. In the Babylonian pantheon, she “was the divine personification of the planet Venus”. Ishtar was above all associated with sexuality: her cult involved sacred prostitution; her holy city Uruk was called the “town of the sacred courtesans”; and she herself was the “courtesan of the gods”. (Wikipedia)

  • fwilderone says:

    Ho hum…You are either a believer or a disbeliever. Trying to have an intellectual debate about religion is like whizzing in the wind. Expect to get pissy. God is non-tangible and yet there you are tangible. How dare God be something you are not. So you refuse to believe in him not realizing that life is a process and one day you will be like him-untangible; a spirit being after the resurrection. You arrogant piece of dust, and you could have lived forever. It sucks to be U. I believe.

  • mbrowshan says:

    All religion is based on ancient myth and astrology…there are too many links to deny this. Great video.

  • kamelgee says:

    khons is not representing horus….khonsu is cancer….thats july,,,it cant be associated…..unless you consider the original sign of cancer the scarab beetle itself… kehpri….which means to come forth..and thats what jesus said when he went to lazarus grave…isnt it

  • bluehoneycomb says:

    @PlanetoftheAtheists haha, well if there is God and he created me, then it’s his fault for creating such an imperfect “thinking” creature. Wait, aren’t we all created in his “image”, so then he is such an imperfect “God”.

  • bluehoneycomb says:

    @Punkninja12 True.

  • meak911 says:

    I hate the Europeen Church and her stupid gods and? goddesses.

  • SummerSunshine1988 says:

    There is a God!

  • PlanetoftheAtheists says:

    @bluehoneycomb Stop thinkin so much or you will go to Hell

  • BoredInfidel says:

    Acharya may “specialize” in religion and mythology, but she also specializes in making things up wholesale. Her claims should be taken with a massive dose of salt, as *most* of the comparisons she draws between Jesus and other mythologies are based on weaselly usage of words with special meanings in Christian doctrine (which sometimes don’t at all accurately describe the non-Christian stories).

  • HaveHeardAllTheLies says:

    christianity sprang from the neoplatonists not from the jews. Jesus had no jewish lineage and the jews certainly did not originate monotheism. 85% of judaism was plagiarized from the Sumerians, Africans, Egyptians, Babylonians, Assyrians, Persians and the Greeks. The jews disseminated the ten commandments to overwrite the code of hammurabi. The fake hebrew bible characters were all invented to overwrite real Egyptians such as Amenemhet>>Abraham, Tuthmosis>>Moses and Imhotep>>Joseph.

  • Clematisian says:

    Amazing upload, spaceagebachelor! And thank you, Acharya S, for doing it! Happy Ostara, y’all ~ (•8-D

  • Punkninja12 says:

    @JESSEJAMESHUNTER Ahhh, the pride of blind faith and ignorance. Bible thumpers never cease to amaze me with their blatant foolishness in the face of truth.


    And despite all this ” knowledge” I have gained through a video such as this, I still believe that Jesus Christ is my Saviour! Thank you LORD!!!

  • TheOReport1994 says:

    @bluehoneycomb very true, if there is a god and he wanted a book to be written about what you should believe in etc. he would have done it himself, and not told men to. The way religion represents god is too much like a king.

  • bluehoneycomb says:

    @TheOReport1994 But back to your comment, this is the ultimate question: why are we here? We can let our imagination go wild, particularly if it gives us purpose in our lives and brings us happiness, the healthiest thing one can do is have an open mind with a healthy skepticism (again, balance). One thing is for sure: no one knows what the future holds just as much as we don’t know what God is.

  • bluehoneycomb says:

    @TheOReport1994 These are interesting hypotheses/beliefs, I am open to these ideas, just not the ones that the bible teach, because the God it depicts does not show qualities that a Benevolent, all-mighty God should have. It simply shows an imperfect, childish, God showing nothing more than human emotions. Very similar to Zeus and all these capricious gods all combined into one.

  • TheOReport1994 says:

    i think good/evil have to be in the same world, to make it stable just like the elements fire, water; earth, wind; matter, energy keep our world stable, even though it can be unstable, it will correct itself.

  • TheOReport1994 says:

    @bluehoneycomb I was just saying that instead of the creator,( it , he, she etc.) fixing the problems we have, “god” is waiting for us to learn the lesson fix the problem and move on with our lives. In which i believe that we are put on this earth, dimension, reality, to learn lessons, but to learn all the lessons you would have to be reincarnated, one life time is long enough to learn some of the lessons but not all. – (it’s just an opinion)

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