@ChristyourSaviour Homosexuality is only mentioned in the bible 7 times. The most famous f which is Leviticus “…mankind shall not sleep with mankind as with woman..” what is funny is in that same chapter the consumption of shell fish is condemed. Been to Long Johns lateley? Have your opinions, but I really hope you r as passionate about liars, thieves, and people with tatoos. If not…its time for you to have a seat and be quiet.
I’ve got no problem with people calling me gay. I don’t consider it an insult – the only straight people who are offended by being called gay are those with severe doubts about their own sexuality – like you. I would advise you to come out to your family and friends; I’m sure they’ll be supportive in the long run. Well, actually I’m not sure. Thinking about it they’ll probably lynch you. Chin up though!
“there’s a difference between faith and faggotry” – that’s so deep.
Because when you supplicate yourself in front of your muscly, bare-chested statue of a hairy Jewish guy that’s definitely just faith. And when you whisper about how he’s your saviour and how you love him that’s definitely not screamingly gay. Never mind ‘take the body of Christ in your mouth’ etc. Filth.
Theres a difference between faith and faggotry. Or do you just equate everything with something homosexual? Just goes to show how corrupted your atheist mindset is
Speaking of ‘fags’, how exactly would you describe someone who’s obsessed with a hairy man in sandals from 2000 years ago, references him in an adoring homoerotic fashion in his username and undoubtedly spends at least one day a week on his knees in front of a half-naked statue of the aforementioned hairy man, muttering under his breath about how much he loves him?
@ChristyourSaviour murder in the front row crowd begins to bang when there’s blood upon the stage bang your head against the stage where metal takes it’s place bonded by blood!
That was a pretty bad ass rhyme you did there. *golf claps. You do care , otherwise you wouldn’t be replying back to insure me you don’t care. Also nice Caps locks yell….otherwise i wouldn’t have known how to dramatize the sentence. Good stuff.
@ChristyourSaviour here’s the funny part: I DON’T GIVE A FLYING FUCK!!! so go suck your “saviour’s” dick and kiss his ass too. christianity sucks balls and so do you.
You call those “beliefs”? Sounds more like prepubescent angst. Next time you attempt independent thought try to use big-boy words. Thanks.
Ciao!!!! xD
Thank God there was a cross dressing has been to define normal behavior for us…
You know what cracks me up the most? The Pope is somehow Australian.
@gwarsh220 Where did you go to school? 1901 – 2000 is the 20th century. 2001 – 2100 is the 21st century.
@mhollandable In Europe, the 20th century is the 21st since we are in the 2000’s it would only make sense to label it as the 20th century.
@ChristyourSaviour your vocabulary doesn’t agree with your naivete.
@supplican Welcome to the 21st bud.
“This is not an episode of Scooby-Doo!”
“I would’ve succeeded if it wasn’t for those pesky God and Jesus fellows!”
If you like Eddie Izzard then watch a movie with James Mason in it such as Lolita and you will laugh.
@ChristyourSaviour fuck off, you are a deluded prick.
@ChristyourSaviour Homosexuality is only mentioned in the bible 7 times. The most famous f which is Leviticus “…mankind shall not sleep with mankind as with woman..” what is funny is in that same chapter the consumption of shell fish is condemed. Been to Long Johns lateley? Have your opinions, but I really hope you r as passionate about liars, thieves, and people with tatoos. If not…its time for you to have a seat and be quiet.
I’ve got no problem with people calling me gay. I don’t consider it an insult – the only straight people who are offended by being called gay are those with severe doubts about their own sexuality – like you. I would advise you to come out to your family and friends; I’m sure they’ll be supportive in the long run. Well, actually I’m not sure. Thinking about it they’ll probably lynch you. Chin up though!
There you go again. Everything you see turns into a homosexual urge. pathetic.
“there’s a difference between faith and faggotry” – that’s so deep.
Because when you supplicate yourself in front of your muscly, bare-chested statue of a hairy Jewish guy that’s definitely just faith. And when you whisper about how he’s your saviour and how you love him that’s definitely not screamingly gay. Never mind ‘take the body of Christ in your mouth’ etc. Filth.
“no muscles in their arms” does this have any meaning or is it just to do the funny act?
@ChristyourSaviour i’m done wasting my time on your poser ass. go worship ur little “miracle” worker and keep giving him head and kissing his ass.
Theres a difference between faith and faggotry. Or do you just equate everything with something homosexual? Just goes to show how corrupted your atheist mindset is
Lyrics from a band from the super gay San Francisco area? Man, you really ARE in the closet.
Speaking of ‘fags’, how exactly would you describe someone who’s obsessed with a hairy man in sandals from 2000 years ago, references him in an adoring homoerotic fashion in his username and undoubtedly spends at least one day a week on his knees in front of a half-naked statue of the aforementioned hairy man, muttering under his breath about how much he loves him?
@ChristyourSaviour murder in the front row crowd begins to bang when there’s blood upon the stage bang your head against the stage where metal takes it’s place bonded by blood!
Sorry i don’t listen to music with flamboyantly homosexual lead singers. A little in the closet are you?
@ChristyourSaviour i disagree. stained class is a better album than jugulator.
That was a pretty bad ass rhyme you did there. *golf claps. You do care , otherwise you wouldn’t be replying back to insure me you don’t care. Also nice Caps locks yell….otherwise i wouldn’t have known how to dramatize the sentence. Good stuff.
@ChristyourSaviour here’s the funny part: I DON’T GIVE A FLYING FUCK!!! so go suck your “saviour’s” dick and kiss his ass too. christianity sucks balls and so do you.
You call those “beliefs”? Sounds more like prepubescent angst. Next time you attempt independent thought try to use big-boy words. Thanks.