the hindus also believe in One God, Brahman. they belive the one god has many faces. also, of the holy three, each member of the trinity is one. all are one. not just divinity as one god, but you and i are one, we are all one. cosmic oness.
truth about god I donno, to me that is the same as asking if it is important to know the truth about the amazing invisible unicorn that lives on my roof. But truth about things that can be proven and disproven, I can think of nothing more important than that. Even if the truths do not have a benefit aside from tossing another fact onto a mountain of facts. I look forward to more vids like these THANK YOU
They need to teach this stuff in school, seriously. I am sure religious bios would still simply insist it is false as they prefer faith over evidence, but those who are more interested in truth might be prevented from falling pray to religious mentality.
i am also aware the hindu religion has many other gods in its pantheon, i dont really see where it states that the hindu faith teaches where vishnu was jesus and buddha, both the teachings of jesus and the buddhas dont really go in line with the hindu faith.
the old testiment is interesting, but with the new testiment there is hardly anything mysterious or containing hidden wisdom, the stories of christ in the gospels, the acts, the various letters to the christian churches are open and plain to read for anyone who can, remember the bible in not a book its a compilation of different christian writtings
the symbol of fish for christ comes from the saying of how he would make his followers fishers of men. yes the vatican is awar of astrology contained in the old testiment, the vatican has two of the best observatories in the world and funds massive amounts of science projects, how this equates to us worshipping mithras or osirios i dont see the connection.
why is it called easter, i dont know, in most of the world its not called easter, why do we celebrate it on sunday, because this is the day christ rose from the dead, if he rose on tuesday or saturday we would celebrate it then, but we celebrate it on domingo. the lamb of god comes from the jewish tradition of attonment for their sins with a sacrificial lamb, christ being a man who sacrificed himself for our sins is the sacrificial lamb of god.
the Light of the Wolrd, his Holy Twelve, the Holy Mother, the Trinity, the Comunion, Sun-day, Cross, incense, candles, Christmas, Easter, Ressurection of the Body, Last Judgement, Babtism, these are ancient mysteries. ancient mysteries found in MANY different religions.. Did you know the hindus have a trinity? shiva, vishnu, and brahma. the second member of the trinity (vishnu) is god made man. the hindus believe vishnu had many incarnations, including jesus, krishna, and buddha.
But, that means that we are discovering the keys to unlock the hidden secrets of christianity. there is a deeper wisdom contained in the holy scriptures. there is a message from god contained in the ancient mysteries. if we can discover the mysteries of the bible, one can reach toward the divine. the divine mysteries are, pehaps, written in the heavens, the rising sun, the passage of the seasons, the flowing of the sea. because paganism shared these mysteries, the keys toward the divine.
Moses also came along with the rising of the Age of Aries. They blow the Ram’s Horn, you know (the Jews). He was pissed bout their worship of the golden calf (tTaurean Age). The Taurean Age was the time of the sun, until moses, which brought the age of aries. Jesus was born at the very beginning og the Age of Pisces. His symbol is the fish. the church fathers and the vatican are probably most aware of the astrology contained in the bible, in the religion, and on the nature of the divine.
Why do they call it “Easter?” Do you call it Easter? Do you celibrate it on a Sun-Day? The death and resurrection? But, that’s like the death and resurrection of Mithras. The Egyptians worshipped the sun god (God symbolized by the sun) under the zodiac sign during that age. ages last about 2,160 years, procession of the equinoxes. my point is osiris was worshipped under lamb. he also died and resurrected. “Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world, have mercy on us.” Sounds familiar.
i was speaking of the easter tradition in regards to the rest of the catholic world subfightr, spanish, mexican, greek, french and so and so forth do not have the same traditions of easter eggs and such. because those are not christian traditions, my issue was people assume that if some catholics do it here then we must do the same thing everywhere, which we do not
well duh its not practiced outside of those areas, its not like they have a bunch of jerks willing to take money from gullible people so they can go spread the good word of Eostre (easter) and Mythras (x mas etc) to other areas of the world. People work really hard to spread Christianity and keep it alive sadly.
Are you always this intellectually dishonest? I just told you in the comments above that I never said they did it for the purpose of converting pagans and yet you just ignore that and continue arguing while bastardizing my position. If you are going to do strawmen arguments there’s really no more reason for me to bother talking with you.
with regards to the council of nicea and the easter controversy, at that time the churches were having the celebration on different days, some churches were going by the jewish calander to determine when the passover feast fell. the argument against that was that the hebrew calander was not dating the passover correctly itself and as such the christian church should do its own calculations as to when the passover fell, it was not , oh since the pagans do it lets go ahead and do it also
However, I want to know how you can be certain that the version of Easter you use in your own part of the world hasn’t been changed and bastardized from it’s original form by the time it even got to your local. This holiday is one that had been tampered with from pretty much the beginning. I know very few Christians who don’t accept that the roots of Easter and Christmas are riddled with pagan undertones. It’s no big deal really. I mean even things like prayer are borrowed rituals.
Google “Scott? Jones Easter or Passover” and get an education you ignorant Christian!
I hate the Europeen Church and her stupid gods and? goddesses.
Love it! Wish more people knew where easter actually came from!
Love it, wish more people new where the holiday actually came from!
What does a rabbit and egss have to do with Jesus death?
u devils never tell the real and whole truth ! u whites are doom 4 lying 2 the world on purpose!
the hindus also believe in One God, Brahman. they belive the one god has many faces. also, of the holy three, each member of the trinity is one. all are one. not just divinity as one god, but you and i are one, we are all one. cosmic oness.
I see.
truth about god I donno, to me that is the same as asking if it is important to know the truth about the amazing invisible unicorn that lives on my roof. But truth about things that can be proven and disproven, I can think of nothing more important than that. Even if the truths do not have a benefit aside from tossing another fact onto a mountain of facts. I look forward to more vids like these THANK YOU
They need to teach this stuff in school, seriously. I am sure religious bios would still simply insist it is false as they prefer faith over evidence, but those who are more interested in truth might be prevented from falling pray to religious mentality.
i am also aware the hindu religion has many other gods in its pantheon, i dont really see where it states that the hindu faith teaches where vishnu was jesus and buddha, both the teachings of jesus and the buddhas dont really go in line with the hindu faith.
the old testiment is interesting, but with the new testiment there is hardly anything mysterious or containing hidden wisdom, the stories of christ in the gospels, the acts, the various letters to the christian churches are open and plain to read for anyone who can, remember the bible in not a book its a compilation of different christian writtings
the symbol of fish for christ comes from the saying of how he would make his followers fishers of men. yes the vatican is awar of astrology contained in the old testiment, the vatican has two of the best observatories in the world and funds massive amounts of science projects, how this equates to us worshipping mithras or osirios i dont see the connection.
why is it called easter, i dont know, in most of the world its not called easter, why do we celebrate it on sunday, because this is the day christ rose from the dead, if he rose on tuesday or saturday we would celebrate it then, but we celebrate it on domingo. the lamb of god comes from the jewish tradition of attonment for their sins with a sacrificial lamb, christ being a man who sacrificed himself for our sins is the sacrificial lamb of god.
how important is it to know the truth? especially about god? how important is it to know the truth?
the Light of the Wolrd, his Holy Twelve, the Holy Mother, the Trinity, the Comunion, Sun-day, Cross, incense, candles, Christmas, Easter, Ressurection of the Body, Last Judgement, Babtism, these are ancient mysteries. ancient mysteries found in MANY different religions.. Did you know the hindus have a trinity? shiva, vishnu, and brahma. the second member of the trinity (vishnu) is god made man. the hindus believe vishnu had many incarnations, including jesus, krishna, and buddha.
But, that means that we are discovering the keys to unlock the hidden secrets of christianity. there is a deeper wisdom contained in the holy scriptures. there is a message from god contained in the ancient mysteries. if we can discover the mysteries of the bible, one can reach toward the divine. the divine mysteries are, pehaps, written in the heavens, the rising sun, the passage of the seasons, the flowing of the sea. because paganism shared these mysteries, the keys toward the divine.
Moses also came along with the rising of the Age of Aries. They blow the Ram’s Horn, you know (the Jews). He was pissed bout their worship of the golden calf (tTaurean Age). The Taurean Age was the time of the sun, until moses, which brought the age of aries. Jesus was born at the very beginning og the Age of Pisces. His symbol is the fish. the church fathers and the vatican are probably most aware of the astrology contained in the bible, in the religion, and on the nature of the divine.
Why do they call it “Easter?” Do you call it Easter? Do you celibrate it on a Sun-Day? The death and resurrection? But, that’s like the death and resurrection of Mithras. The Egyptians worshipped the sun god (God symbolized by the sun) under the zodiac sign during that age. ages last about 2,160 years, procession of the equinoxes. my point is osiris was worshipped under lamb. he also died and resurrected. “Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world, have mercy on us.” Sounds familiar.
i was speaking of the easter tradition in regards to the rest of the catholic world subfightr, spanish, mexican, greek, french and so and so forth do not have the same traditions of easter eggs and such. because those are not christian traditions, my issue was people assume that if some catholics do it here then we must do the same thing everywhere, which we do not
well duh its not practiced outside of those areas, its not like they have a bunch of jerks willing to take money from gullible people so they can go spread the good word of Eostre (easter) and Mythras (x mas etc) to other areas of the world. People work really hard to spread Christianity and keep it alive sadly.
Are you always this intellectually dishonest? I just told you in the comments above that I never said they did it for the purpose of converting pagans and yet you just ignore that and continue arguing while bastardizing my position. If you are going to do strawmen arguments there’s really no more reason for me to bother talking with you.
with regards to the council of nicea and the easter controversy, at that time the churches were having the celebration on different days, some churches were going by the jewish calander to determine when the passover feast fell. the argument against that was that the hebrew calander was not dating the passover correctly itself and as such the christian church should do its own calculations as to when the passover fell, it was not , oh since the pagans do it lets go ahead and do it also
amanita muscaria
However, I want to know how you can be certain that the version of Easter you use in your own part of the world hasn’t been changed and bastardized from it’s original form by the time it even got to your local. This holiday is one that had been tampered with from pretty much the beginning. I know very few Christians who don’t accept that the roots of Easter and Christmas are riddled with pagan undertones. It’s no big deal really. I mean even things like prayer are borrowed rituals.