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Easy Answers to Self Identity Crisis in this New Age

     The tem self identity crisis is signifying there the present generation has explored the moon, mars, celestial body, could find out the secrets inside the miniature cell,  the nucleus of an atom,  but still fighting with question of “what am I”, “from where I have come from ?”.  Person identifying himself on basis  of religion ( Hindu, Christian, Muslim, Jew, Buddhist ) like I am Christian or I am Hindu, country of origin(Indian, American, British, Iranian) , language(English, French, Hindi, Chinese, race(Caucasoid, Mongoloid,) , caste, creed , surname, profession(Doctor , Engineer, Professor, Manager) etc  and quite often with state of body like , black or white ,ill or healthy , weak or strong ,  beautiful or  ugly , dull or intelligent , lame , blind , old or young like this there is series of physical state by means of which the person used to identify self. This is the root cause of all conflicts, hatred, war, tension, stress and vices. This feeling is the Pandora Box for all evils in the society.

       If someone says this is my shirt means shirt is different from him, he is the owner of that shirt, similarly if one says this is my hand, this is my leg means he is not hand or leg he is the owner of the hand, then who is he? Similarly I can ask to self who am I? If I am not leg or hand, I am the owner of them. The present generation is so much engrossed with the body consciousness that they had misunderstood self from the true reality identifying self with his body and body related aspects.

          The person as so much engrossed with their physical body they had neglected true inner self forgotten about inner beauty and mental strength and healing of mental

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