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Does that mean that exploring our own spirituality is dangerous and we should not do it? On the contrary. We become our true selves when we explore who we really are, and we find joy and understanding. The warning is that we need to understand that we are dealing with something that is far greater than our human minds can conceive. We must not be greedy or try to run before we can walk. And we must understand that once we have taken on that responsibility, there is no turning back. We can no longer blame others for what happens to us, and we will never see the world in the same light again. But we will also experience indescribable joy and peace.

For some people things like clairvoyance and telepathy and energy work are second nature. For other people anything spiritual is like an awakening from a deep sleep. Nobody wants to awake from a deep sleep by means of an explosion. We want to slowly become conscious, then stretch out and leisurely open our eyes. And some people want to sleep on. We need to be patient with ourselves and one another.

I sometimes encounter fear and prejudice when I do readings for people – because I do not use tarot cards and I do not rely on the interpretation of any other cards. At least tarot cards and other cards have some entertainment value, but many people find the idea of just closing your eyes and “tuning in” scary. I have also encountered fear and prejudice that is so paralyzing that people avoid me and never explore the reasons for this behavior. How do I react? By loving them. It is not for me to “convert” people or to assume that everyone should share my beliefs – which are right for me now, but may change as I become more aware and awake.

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