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dating from Mexico, circa 1400 BC, which is considered a shapeshifting posture that gives us a view of reality from the perspective of a Big Cat. Through it, in Gore’s words, “many individuals become sensitised to the non-human world and grow in rapport with the animals”.

• The Tennessee Diviner, dating from Europe circa AD 700, is a divinatory posture which puts people in touch with a spirit who offers advice on ritual. This spirit can be “short tempered, brief and even cryptic” but is “generous with exacting details” concerning specific healing rituals.

• The Realm of the Dead posture, from fifth century BC Germany, mediates journeys into the spirit world, where “The traveller… begins to rise into a new form and a new life”.

So you can, if you wish, try these postures for yourself, here are the instructions:

The Tattooed Jaguar

Kneel with your legs spread so your knees form a ‘V’ and your right big toe crosses over the left big toe. Rest your buttocks on your heels and bend forward slightly at the waist.

Curl your hands the amount needed to hold an imaginary medium-sized candle. Place your curled left hand palm down on your left knee and your right hand on your right knee, tilted upwards slightly (so if you were actually holding a candle, it would point at 45 degrees towards your other leg). Keep your elbows relaxed and slightly bow your arms. Face forward with eyes closed.

The Tennessee Diviner

Begin by kneeling, then raise your right knee and place your right foot sole down on the floor beside your left knee. Continue to kneel on your left knee, with buttocks resting on your heel.


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