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your left hand palm down on the left knee and right hand palm down on the right knee, but slightly to the left of the kneecap.

Cock your head very slightly to the right as if wanting to look over your right knee. Keep your eyes closed and protrude your tongue a little between slightly parted lips.

The Realm of the Dead

Stand with feet parallel about 6 inches apart and point your toes straight ahead. Keep your knees slightly bent.

Place your right hand over your waist with the ball of the hand covering your navel and your middle finger extending along the waistline. Your left arm is against your chest, with the palm of the hand against your chest so it rests just above your right arm and parallel to it. Keep your upper arms relaxed and close to your body. Face forward with your eyes closed.


My students all reported markedly different effects to the ones normally experienced using standard approaches to meditation or shamanic journeying. “Each individual was successful in gaining a different perspective than normal and in terms of where they went spiritually, the journeys were intense”, said one workshop participant who also introduced the postures to her yoga group.

The Realm of the Dead posture (described to my students only as the ‘RoD’, so as not to disclose its purpose) produced a characteristic meeting with “spirit guides”, this yoga teacher continued. Another of my participants, who could only hold this posture for a short time due to a prior injury, commented: “I got an impression of the incredible vastness of time and space rushing towards me, as if I was travelling at a very fast rate of speed through space. I saw

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