Batista is a tool and that why he don’t have the damn championship but more then a few few weeks i wish randy orton would of seriouly crippled that mother fucker
I liked Shelly’s gimmick as Ariel and she was hot too. I hate Batista for doing that along with the politics in wrestling. It is crap like that is what ruins wrestling for me. “Hatred” should be on screen and should get along in real life.
E C W kicks ass man. Raw, Smackdown, E C W, T N A man 4 nights a week. GOLD. God how can you people hate E C W? You don’t give it hoot about Tuesday night. GOD
she gets in trouble in 00:18
gangrel is gone…getting rid of thorn and ariel was a biggggg mistake. This was a classic vampire gimmick and these two did it REALLY well together.
actually tna talents sometimes quit most talents in tna arent fired but wwe is the total opposite they fire people
Gangrel is better than kevin thorn
I herd it was actually shane who got rid of her
Batista is a tool and that why he don’t have the damn championship but more then a few few weeks i wish randy orton would of seriouly crippled that mother fucker
Yea but he got fired
They could of been a good team
tna and wwe get rid of the good talents and keep the lame ones
yea is that why her tna gimmick out the picture as well ??
But he is nothing without Ariel.
No….. Gangrel will always be the true vampire king, though I still think Edge and Christian looked the coolest in a vampire gimmick yet.
I liked Shelly’s gimmick as Ariel and she was hot too. I hate Batista for doing that along with the politics in wrestling. It is crap like that is what ruins wrestling for me. “Hatred” should be on screen and should get along in real life.
but WWE wanted him to have a realistic gimmick so he quit.
Aw, rock on!
E C W kicks ass man. Raw, Smackdown, E C W, T N A man 4 nights a week. GOLD. God how can you people hate E C W? You don’t give it hoot about Tuesday night. GOD
aww the two perfect couple ever and Kevin Thorn u are my vampire king and I miss these two.
This is when the new ECW kicked ass.
hes a goth in realy life and hes got a son
Kevin should have stayed a Vamp
I didnt know the new vampire thing was to read tarrot cards lol
damn! damn! damn!
she is so hot
i wanna fuck this bitch
ariel and kevin thorn are a cute couple!

Kevin thorn was cute but since he was forced to change his outfits he looks weird now
Thorne became nothing without hot ass Ariel. Damn I miss that fine chick
sorry Thorn,your future is in OVW building a new gimmick ’cause there’s a dude called Judas Mesias that totally OWNS U
sorry buddy your kool and all but your future is the WWE layoff line.