Educational Software ? 3 types of Educational Software
Educational software is a concept that we are seeing more and more of in our society today. This concept is one that is mainly computer based and comes in a wide range. Educational software is something that allows students to grasp things that they previously couldn’t get their head around and one thing is for sure; it’s going to change the way that we learn. Google “21st Century Classroom Presentation”.
Every student and child has their own pace of learning; some may pick things up faster than others but this doesn’t necessarily mean they are more intelligent; it could merely mean that they grasp that way of learning more than the other child. It is because of this that there needs to be more than one way of delivering subjects, which is where educational software comes into play.
Some examples of the categories that educational software comes under are as follows:
Classroom aids – one main example of this is when a lesson or certain aspects of the learning process are projected onto a large whiteboard, which is placed at the front of the class. Classroom aids can also be used on a network of computers that are placed in a classroom
Computer games with learning value- these were originally designed and developed for adult use as well as older children all of whom may have potential learning difficulties; however they have now also been developed for younger children too. It is believed that computer games with learning value are so successful due to the fact that they provide simulations of different kinds of human activity, which allows players to explore a variety of social, historical and economic processes.
Courseware – this concept is used as
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