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Egyptian Tarot Deck

Rating: (out of 2 reviews)

List Price: CDN$ 15.96

Price: CDN$ 17.49

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2 Responses to Egyptian Tarot Deck

  • Cerulean says:

    Review by Cerulean for Egyptian Tarot Deck
    The translation of this book to the art in the deck is very well-done. Berti gives an intriguing and brief presentation and of the revolutionary times surrounding Emporer Napolean III. The attraction of the revelational thinking of “Paul Christian” is augmented with some interesting engravings and the illustrations of Sylvana Alasia did for the Egyptian Tarot deck. Paul Christian’s fictional storytelling of the 22 pathways to initiation has fascinated romantics ever since his 1863 astrological text and 1871 history of magic. Berti puts the stories in context, He points out the true magical allegories of the imagination with Paul Christian’s summary of the 22 steps. The book’s illustrations include a line drawing of the majors by Maurice Otto Wegnar next to each major trump card that Silvana Alasia drew for the Lo Scarabeo deck. Tiberio Gonard describes the minors and some fascinating layouts, suggestions and some observations related to Paul Christian’s methods. The book as a whole is a friendly companion to the interested collector who is curious why Egyptian revival and romanticism seized popular imagination and influenced card designs. Sylvana Alasia’s deck pays tribute to Egyptian designs in a pretty way. I recommend the book and deck if you like the Marseilles ordering, (Justice is eight and Strength is eleven), pips with a small scenic element and find the Egyptian style a refreshing art theme. Of all my Egyptian decks, I find this a nice blend of learning and inspirational for storytelling. I also think the book gives a fun tribute to an interesting period of Western humanities and history.

  • Anonymous says:

    Review by for Egyptian Tarot Deck
    The other reviewer was right about this not being a deck for beginners, but for me, as a student of Egyptian Wiccan ways and an avid Egyptophile, this has been a very useful deck. I’ve never gotten clearer, more accurate readings than I do with this deck.

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