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Activist and author Elaine Brown, the first and only woman to lead the Black Panther Party speaks on issues of race with reference to her new book New Age Racism. She discusses the Black experience throughout American history and the issue of reparations for all descendants of slaves. Series: Voices [5/2001] [Public Affairs] [Show ID: 5720]
Video Rating: 4 / 5

Band: Epica Song: Resign to Surrender – A New Age Dawns – Pt IV Album: Design Your Universe Lyrics: Can’t move an inch But for the act to Leave fingerprints Freedom farewell Look in the lens Answer the questions Are you a threat? Nec plus ultra After all the grabbing, it’s time to bite the dust Leave behind the breaches of my trust Cleaning up the mess is up to us Non plus ultra Now that all hands are tied We’re panic stricken Wealth out of sight Demolition, the damaged pride The price of ambition Nec plus ultra The current system leads to profit seeking deeds Leave behind the traces of our blood Now the course for change is up to us Non plus ultra Access is now denied We’re panic stricken Wealth out of sight Intuition, forgotten guide The price of suppression Terre eos vi Augearis Perde eos vi Nobis imperium Can’t move an inch But for the act to Leave fingerprints Freedom farewell Look in the lens Answer the questions Will you behave as required? When we think the end is here With nearly all faith gone There is hope along the way And there a new age dawns None are more hopelessly enslaved than those Who falsely believe that they are free [Goethe:] Nobis victoria Non plus ultra When we think the end is here And our faith will disappear Chasing our addictions we’re stunting our growth Once we get rid of this ballast we’ll be able to Restore the balance and distribute our wealth All Rights to NuclearBlast Europe and Epica!
Video Rating: 4 / 5

50 Responses to Elaine Brown: New Age Racism

  • dharm17 says:

    Fuck Elaine Brown you fucking agent!!!!

  • Roselime1 says:

    I hope people don’t read into this as a black vs. white thing. That’s not what she’s saying. She’s discussing the reality of some people’s lives right here in the US.

    It’s funny how certain “scientists” pretend to want to understand humanity when they can’t understand people who live on the other side of town. I guess it’s much easier to reduce them to stereotypes and not deal with the realities of what the system does with people.

  • 101orson101 says:

    @bigamble I’ll look it up and we have a deal. ONE STEP AT A TIME. That’s all it takes. Don’t eve have to be huge steps. Just always forwards and always together.

  • bigamble says:

    @101orson101: Good dialoguing with you. I will respond just once. I consider you a fellow seeker of truth, and we are few and far between, at least in my travels. Thanks for the apology. As James Baldwin said, “White folk were hurt by slavery too.” I think, person to person is better than the US gov. As far as the contribution, send your $1 or more to the African Male Achievers Network, a non-profit that looks to educate all people with emphasis on Black boys. Let us pay it forward.

  • 101orson101 says:

    @bigamble And once again I agree to your salutation and intent. And a little bit of social revolution never hurt anyone. Hell? Even I know we need some right now. But the way it’s going? I see a lot of hurt locker before much more sanity.

  • 101orson101 says:

    @bigamble Western, Eastern, Southern, or Northern. ALL conversations of convenience are just as equally evil in intent. BUT! I didn’t say ALL ethnic studies were hatefull. I said they were ALL ok by me, UNLESS and UNTIL they turn to hate speech. To use ethnic studies to uprate yourself, while down rating others is WRONG for ANYONE. White, yellow, organge, pink, purple, black, or brown. As for the profs? Pretty much sums it up.

  • 101orson101 says:

    @bigamble Yes Malcolm was at heart a good man. And like the rest of us, as flawed as our personal understanding allows. BUT! HEM calling ALL white people evil devils is as ignorant and troublsome as any white person calling all black people shiftless and lazy. And THAT kind of talk is as stupid as anything you’ll ever hear out of the mouth of a neo nazi or skin head. WE ALL JUST KEEP LOSING!

  • 101orson101 says:

    @bigamble On your BPP, cuba reply. How can I argue with you if you don’t give me a reason? You have some nerve replying in such a civil and congenial manner. How can I fly of the handle with no wind for my sails?

  • 101orson101 says:

    @bigamble The 1,000 to 1? Yes indeed that is how I meant it. I’ve done the same myself. Maybe stupid. But a fact none the less. You make the same error most do. THE USA is the people. You can’t get an apology from a dead man, and probably wouldn’t if he were alive. Good ridance to all of THEM. Any apology from anyone today is shallow at best. But if it makes you happy. I deeply apologize for the morons of the past. As for the one dollar. Tell me what charity to send it and I’ll make it 100.

  • bigamble says:

    @101orson101: PEACE AND HEALTH TO YOU! I am a follow of Jesus’ non-violent revolution. No amount of rhetoric by EB or anyone else can justify murder for me.

  • bigamble says:

    In this global economy, there is no place to separate to. I will say that “hate” is a convenient way for Western, mainly white-oriented conversations to dismiss valid critiques of Western society. I know ethnic studies programs are ripe with problems but to call them hateful is laughable to me. MOST professors in these programs are so bourgeois and in love with white-western culture you are more likely to catch them at Starbucks then at a real anti-USA meeting. LOL.

  • bigamble says:

    The NOI was limited. If not for them we would not have the truth that Malcom X brought. I have a hard time dismissing organizations because of their flaws. As such I love the USA even though at the beginning it was legal to own my family members as slaves. The USA has evolved and the NOI has evolved, slowly but surely, thanks to the sacrifices of Malcolm.

  • bigamble says:

    @101orson101: I agree, socialism is not the answer for the USA, but what makes this country great is that she can bring up the ideas and you as well as I can challenge them. Obviously the BPP, Cuba, USSR, Poland etc have not worked well. However, the USA has some problems we still need to address and EB does remind us of those problems. If she is only effective at that I am ok with it. To be honest I agree with you in that her interventions are weak. Socialism will not do.

  • bigamble says:

    @101orson101: I think we will agree to disagree on reparations. My sense is that no money can repay, thus your $1000 to get $1 is accurate, however my sense that is not as you meant it. I am not into revenge but an acknowledgment. I would take $1. I would actually take any amount over that and give it to a charity. I do not want to punish but give the USA, not dead people, the opportunity to make amends. It is about justice. Just an aside, “social justice” is crap.

  • 101orson101 says:

    The danger of Elaine, and all those like her, is like Bonny and Clyde/ It’s too easy to romantisize them into underground heros.Murderers and thieves. But a great flick. But when we resort to murder and thievery for entertainment value. It actually says more about US, than it does about THEM. THIS is what we have learned from HOLLYWOOD. To idolize murderers and thieves. NOT a good lesson.

  • 101orson101 says:

    @bigamble And on a final note? I am pleased and happy the you have GOOD questions to ask. But never let any of the answers that you don’t particularly like ever drive yo to the place ELAINE found herself. SHE was driven to murder and justification. That only makes you even more a part of the problem, and less a part of any answer. So my sincerest return. Peace, long life, and happiness be unto you as well.

  • 101orson101 says:

    @bigamble Ethnic studies? NO PROBLEM! UNLESS that too is used to create yet another generation of young people taught to hate. And please don’t try to tell me that ELAINE was teaching love and getting along together. SEPERATISM destroys every chance any of US even have to work togeather to move on to where we NEED to be. IF you want seperatism. LEAVE! SEPERATE! IF NOT? MAKE THIS THING WORK!

  • 101orson101 says:

    @bigamble The NOI! LOOK at it’s very history and WHO created it. LOOK AT IT! FW FARD? A scam artist. NO religion that teaches this kind of hate is normal. NEVER MIND one created in 1933 to pander to a specific minority on a specific issue. USE YOUR HEAD!. EVEN Malcolm X understood that in the end. THAT’s why HE was murdered. HE became a liablity to the NOI. WHY would the fbi do it. HE was about to destroy the NOI! HEM COULD NOT ALLOW THAT!

  • 101orson101 says:

    @bigamble I hope I have repaired my reputation with you at least to some degree. And as you have asked. I have refrained from vulgar language. As to WHAT THEY have done to ME? Frankly. Very little. I never allowed it. BUT TO young people today? Almost immeasurable. ELAINE seeks to utterly destroy AMERICA. EVERY word she says yells it out loud and clear. BUT! To replace it with WHAT? SOCIALISM? WE ALL LOSE!

  • 101orson101 says:

    @bigamble REPARATIONS has NEVER been about repairing or making anyone whole. IT has always been about punishment. The problem is? The guilty are long dead and gone. And to that the reparationists says? WHO CARES! SOMEONE HAS TO PAY, PAY, PAY!!! THAT is NOT justice, social or otherwise. THAT is VENDETTA. PURE AND SIMPLE. It’s all about BLOOD MONEY!

  • 101orson101 says:

    @bigamble My friend. IF you think REPARATION has EVER been anything to do about JUSTICE. YOU have been weined on the kool aid. YOU know who I believe when I hear that? THE PERSON THAT SUES FOR ONE DOLLAR. and will spend thousands to do it. THAT is a person after justice. JUSTICE has NO dollar value to that person. REPARATIONS alwways has been, and always be ALL ABOUT THE MONEY.

  • 101orson101 says:

    @bigamble THERE is ONE thing for sure, proved multiple times down trough history. WHEN you are 18? YOU believe NO ADULTS will ever be able to understand YOU! AND! That NONE OF THEM are as smart as YOU!. OR? EVER will be. YOU are SURE YOU are RIGHT about EVERYTHING you believe in. And EVEN MURDER can be excused to prove you are right. MLK KNEW different. MAL X DID NOT! UNTIL the end.

  • 101orson101 says:

    @bigamble In 1960 nearly 50% of the USA population was UNDER 18. AS WAS I! THIS is ONE legacy of the baby boomers. AS TOO is our current situation bordering on SOCIALISM headed towards communism. DO NOT LAUGH OR DISREGUARD THIS WARNING! GOD forbid. It may be your last. Former Weatherman member Brian Flanagan: “When you think you have right on your side? You are capable of doing some pretty horrific things.” AND THEY DID!

  • 101orson101 says:

    @bigamble On the note of respect? Respect given to where respect is due. In this case? TO YOU! YOUR approach is admirable. To sence her historically is not just GOOD. It is required reading. And just as I MUST refuse respect to ANDY STERN, GEORGE SOROS, BILL AND BERNADINE AYERS, ETC. So MUST ELAINE join their ranks. BUT! To dismiss would be a tragic mistake.

  • ArcaneOrigins says:

    issue of reparations for all descendants of slaves.


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