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The Electric Eels were active from 1972 to 1975 in Cleveland and Columbus, Ohio. The founding members were Dave E. McManus, vocals and clarinet, John Morton, lead guitar, and Brian McMahon, guitar. All were strong personalities and each contributed songs and distinctive points of view, but Morton started the band and his influence, like his physical person, tended to dominate. There were no bassists and the drummers came and went. Playing keyboards as well as guitar, Paul Marotta replaced McMahon from late 1973 to early 1975, McMahon subsequently rejoining. Marotta recorded the group before, during, and especially after his stay in the group. The majority of the Eels’ recordings (and the entirety of the eyeball of hell), come from their final months together and feature the three founders along with drummer Nick Knox, later of the Cramps (video by JHS)
Video Rating: 5 / 5

9 Responses to Electric Eels – Cold Meat

  • mdgarmager says:

    Borders Books and Music, Oak Brook, Illinois USA. They are a mega-chain, books, media, and coffee retail store. I found a CD copy of the God Says Fuck You LP, still in print back in 1995. I think somebody special ordered a copy but never picked it up. His loss, my gain! Borders wasn’t that bad a place to pick-up obscure CDs actually. At least back in the day.

  • TheStrangeSound says:

    At Borders?

  • mdgarmager says:

    Yeah, I can see that. I find that if I look hard enough, I can find almost anything. Now finding a X-X CD, that would be difficult! Good luck.

  • MrDevilchild666 says:

    Thanx i had just assumed that they were too obscure to be found on CD

  • mdgarmager says:

    Are you crazy?! Amazon has their CDs! I bought my first Eels CD fifteen years ago at a Borders! Did you mean on vinyl? That’s not even that difficult. Are you in Europe? Look for Eyeball of Hell or Their Organic Majesty’s Request or God Says Fuck You.

  • MrDevilchild666 says:

    I suppose finding these guys on Cd format would be impossible almost

  • 00NJE00 says:

    looking through

  • JohnnyHotSick says:

    …Eyes 😉

  • PKPurvis says:

    Gary Gilmore…

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