Jeff Lynne and ELO performing the classic Strange Magic during the PBS concert in 2001.
Video Rating: 4 / 5

Download link: (MegaVideo link included) =) This is a Movie Special of the new Harry Potter movie: Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince. This Special contains cast interviews and exclusive footage of the new movie.
Video Rating: 4 / 5
I love Dan’s explanation of balancing on a broom XD
that swing….looks so fun!!
i’ve always pictured hermiones hair in the entire series as it looks in the final stages of her potion making.
@supersoccer133 it’s cause he brings his things there, while the muggles who owns the house is away. [like on vacation] and he brings and moves his things from one place to another every few weeks. i remember in the book, dumbledore was joking with him about not letting the muggles see the piano being brought in.
“And also certain, very very important, organs…are crushed.”
He said the same kinda thing in the Deathly Hallows Special Features
“Blood has been drawn from unpleasent places – let’s put it that way”
LMAO!!! Gott’a love him.
@supersoccer133 He probably took his prized possessions with him. He could’ve shrank them into a bag or something.
@ACEMASTER14 Exactly what I thought!
If I was ever an extra or whatever you call them in Harry Potter I’d be a Slytherin and I’d have to meet Alan Rickman and the people who play Gred and Forge lol
the film takes place in 1996 and the bridge was built in 1998
emma looks pissed @ 6:51 … a fan service flaw i guess
@supersoccer133 he took them with him?? i duno :p
LOL 5:25 Didnt ron say that when in the harness you go 30 ft in the air?
@supersoccer133 Cause hes a wizard harry.
@SumRandmGuy12 I think JKR said not. She said if she ever wrote that encyclopedia then she’d reveal that some of them were married and stuff.
@supersoccer133 He decorated it himself. He had been living there for a month.
i will be opening harry potter website soon where you can watch 1-6 in the highest quality sub coming soon !!!
is it just me but are all the teachers at Hogwarts single?
harry, my boy! ahahhaha
i love slughorn!
@supersoccer133 he brought them along with his sweets, pyjamas and everything
@supersoccer133 He probably set them up there. The owners were probably on holiday for a while.
ACEMASTER, I was think the same thing
Oh Dan, please grow your hair :’)
No fair!! I wanna meet Dan and Rupert!!!
Has anyone else noticed that there are a lot of Davids working on this movie?
Wonder if it’s a common name in the UK….. Anyway, awesome movie. Been watching these movies and reading the books since I was 7. It’s a life-long thing. Can’t wait till November. HP Forever! <3
4:57-4:59 EPIC!!!!:).