no problem, ur welcome
I’ll have to post what cards I have, there’s so many of them, lol! Also, I’m wokring on a card spread mat, which I’ll have to put to let ppl see as well
Hey! I did respond to your last post but I don’t think it took lol I do still have my broom closet videos up but I do regularly remove older videos. And thank you for your advice with the tarot cards. I normally do 3 card spreads but recently tried some larger ones and I think you’re right. I need to build up to that.
Also, as for tarot readings, what kind of card spreads do u do? I’ve noticed that when I did a Celtic cross spread when I was younger(& that was before I knew what tarot was really for), I noticed a little bit of an energy drain. I’m able to do a 3-4 card reading w/o any problems & noticed a strength building. U may want to start out w/ 3-4 card spreads to build a strength before doing any of the bigger spreads.
Whenever you read cards or do any kind of magickal working…. mediums and psychics get this a lot too. I personally dont like touching people much because i get impressions and it is draining. Always make sure you r well grounded and eat a light snack when u r done. b aware that as u become more sensetive and open to ur wrkngs u will b drained, u also need to feed your spirit and b sure to protect yourself. Blessings ~Inanna
I would definitely watch any makeup tutorials you put up! It’s always cool to see how someone else does it, any new tips they might have and so on. Also, I’m not surprised that you felt so drained after doing the reading, maybe that wasn’t so much a bad thing. Wait and see if it happens again the next time you do it. Maybe it’s your body & minds way of strengthening your talents and intuitions.
i’d watch your makeup vids! we all want to know how you stay so flawless!! as far as the tarot thingy, the only thing i can think of other than doing like everyone else has said as well, is that maybe its exerting more energy to do distance reading? thats just what i would think. i mean, its obviously easier to do a personal reading, the person is right there! i don’t know, lol! i’m still in a preperational stage right now!
Great vlog! Abot the any other kind of magical or psychic work it is thought that if you ue your personal energy you will be left drained, instead use the abundant energies of our universe by grounding, or rooting into the moon and sun, whatever you feel more comfortable with.
I don’t think I would be one of the viewers of your makeup tutorial. That is ok still, I am sure you aren’t a fan of all of my videos either.
Hay! Are you calling me cranky damn it!!!
Yea, it isn’t uncommon to feel drained after a reading. You really need to take steps to take care of yourself when doing a reading. It usually why a good psychic limits themselves to a certain amount of readings per day or week. Sometimes per month.
Aw you are just SO sweet girl! I’m sorry to hear about your energy loss after the reading. Hopefully you can find a technique that you can use to help prevent that in the future. I know what you mean about “in person-friends”. I have 1 really good friend, but I wouldnt trade her for 10 “sorta friends”. Great hearing you chat. BB )0(
bummer i h8 it when that happens my computer does that sometimes. I think you should do what u want to do and what you enjoy doing. If you wan2 and wud enjoy doing a makeup video then defo do it
well i think they’re great so keep it up! Im gonna be starting my 1st ever vlogs soon.. im scared! lol but i feel i might have something to contribute, so fingers crossed theyre as good as urs!
Oh I would love to see that! I’m going to sub your channel so I don’t miss it
no problem, ur welcome

I’ll have to post what cards I have, there’s so many of them, lol! Also, I’m wokring on a card spread mat, which I’ll have to put to let ppl see as well
Hey! I did respond to your last post but I don’t think it took lol I do still have my broom closet videos up but I do regularly remove older videos. And thank you for your advice with the tarot cards. I normally do 3 card spreads but recently tried some larger ones and I think you’re right. I need to build up to that.
Thanks again
Also, as for tarot readings, what kind of card spreads do u do? I’ve noticed that when I did a Celtic cross spread when I was younger(& that was before I knew what tarot was really for), I noticed a little bit of an energy drain. I’m able to do a 3-4 card reading w/o any problems & noticed a strength building. U may want to start out w/ 3-4 card spreads to build a strength before doing any of the bigger spreads.
It seems like a couple of ur other video were taken down for some reason.. I think it was the “Broom Closet” videos..
It’s an amethyst
what stone is that on your necklace?
you can upload it aslong as it is under 11 it?
I would love to get a reading from you!!!! I will send you pm.
Love ya sweetie
Whenever you read cards or do any kind of magickal working…. mediums and psychics get this a lot too. I personally dont like touching people much because i get impressions and it is draining. Always make sure you r well grounded and eat a light snack when u r done. b aware that as u become more sensetive and open to ur wrkngs u will b drained, u also need to feed your spirit and b sure to protect yourself. Blessings ~Inanna
I love the necklace,…. I have experianced dizziness and lack of energy after i have performed a spell, it wasa very strange feeling,,
I would definitely watch any makeup tutorials you put up! It’s always cool to see how someone else does it, any new tips they might have and so on. Also, I’m not surprised that you felt so drained after doing the reading, maybe that wasn’t so much a bad thing. Wait and see if it happens again the next time you do it. Maybe it’s your body & minds way of strengthening your talents and intuitions.
i’d watch your makeup vids! we all want to know how you stay so flawless!! as far as the tarot thingy, the only thing i can think of other than doing like everyone else has said as well, is that maybe its exerting more energy to do distance reading? thats just what i would think. i mean, its obviously easier to do a personal reading, the person is right there! i don’t know, lol! i’m still in a preperational stage right now!
is that a pendulum pendant? FABU!!!
Great vlog! Abot the any other kind of magical or psychic work it is thought that if you ue your personal energy you will be left drained, instead use the abundant energies of our universe by grounding, or rooting into the moon and sun, whatever you feel more comfortable with.
I don’t think I would be one of the viewers of your makeup tutorial. That is ok still, I am sure you aren’t a fan of all of my videos either.
Hay! Are you calling me cranky damn it!!!
Yea, it isn’t uncommon to feel drained after a reading. You really need to take steps to take care of yourself when doing a reading. It usually why a good psychic limits themselves to a certain amount of readings per day or week. Sometimes per month.
I’d love to see you do a makeup tutorial!
Aw you are just SO sweet girl! I’m sorry to hear about your energy loss after the reading. Hopefully you can find a technique that you can use to help prevent that in the future. I know what you mean about “in person-friends”. I have 1 really good friend, but I wouldnt trade her for 10 “sorta friends”. Great hearing you chat. BB )0(
bummer i h8 it when that happens my computer does that sometimes. I think you should do what u want to do and what you enjoy doing. If you wan2 and wud enjoy doing a makeup video then defo do it
When I was in North Bay, I used to teach a lot of kids from Attawapiskat. They come from a very different world!
Yes the internet allows us all to just interact on the things we want to. “Real” friends are just so demanding!
My energy just goes when I do readings for people who don’t ‘share’ energy with me. But I have a biscuit and a herbal next to me, or chocolate!! BB x
yeah? I hope you like em! Im WAY camera shy tho.. my friends dont know what my beliefs are too so might start from behind the steps! lol
Thank you Alex
You are?! That’s great!! I can’t wait to see it
well i think they’re great so keep it up!
Im gonna be starting my 1st ever vlogs soon.. im scared! lol but i feel i might have something to contribute, so fingers crossed theyre as good as urs! 
lol ain’t that the case for a lot of us? hehe