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Energy Enhancement and the Zen Story Of Hyakujo, A Zen Story Of The Antahkarana And The Higher Self

The Zen Story Of Hyakujo, A Zen Story Of The Antahkarana And The Higher Self

The Antahkarana is the communication bus, the energy of the Holy Spirit, which connects between heaven through our seven chakras into the center of the Earth.

These three represent the Trinity. The Father, the Earth Mother and the Holy Spirit or Sat Chid Ananda. We ourselves, our seven chakras, represent the Son.

The Antahkarana in terms of the Emerald Tablet of Hermes Trismegistus is that which communicates between the Sun and the Earth. It has these physical representations from antiquity…

• The Obelisk is the physical, artistic, objective art, representation of the Antahkarana or the tower which connects all the chakras together. The Egyptian Obelisk like Cleopatras Needle in London, from thousands of years of Antiquity.

• The Tower. The Tower struck by Lightning of the Tarot. The Rainbow Bridge which connects all the infinity of chakras from the center of the earth chakra through the seven chakras of the body and up through the infinity of chakras above the head.

• Spire, inspire, aspire – Every brick aspires to become a Cathedral

• The Sufi Inspired Minaret of the Blue Mosque in Turkey even has the representation of the chakras above the head built up the towers. But only three. Now we need to go higher.

• Buddhist Stupa showing the representation of the Jhanas, or Chakras above the head.

• The Native American Indian Totem Pole has many chakras, gods, blockages on the way up the Antahkarana to the Eagle.

In the story below the horse whip is the “finger pointing at the moon” it is the antahkarana. We do not use it because it is higher than the intellect. We are

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