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where the Ancient term, “Hooker” comes from.

In a way, these Advanced Energy Blockages are parts of the Selfish Competitive Ego.

These Inner Children Sub-personalities are stronger the older they are and can form at any age in your life.

The Mastery Of Relationships, the Mastery of the Second Initiation, the Mastery of the Sexual Base Chakra the Relationship Second Chakra, the Mastery of the Psychic Sexual Connection, the Mastery of Intimacy and Independence. The Mastery of Relationships Can Transmute Bad Luck To Good Luck.

Anything unconscious can lead you into trouble and bad luck.

All bad luck comes from these Soul Splits. As your Life is Sabotaged and Fails due to the influence of these inner saboteurs, the your stress rises and their action becomes more intense. It is the Inner Children who want to use the Strategies in order to gain what they have been programmed to do, And The Inner Children Will Use The Strategies Like The Poor Me, Violator And Star, More And More Intensely As The Stress Increases.

As The Strings Are Wound Up.

The Energy Connections between Sexual Chakras become ‘Hooked”

In This Way You Lose Balance.

Ancient Effective Synthesis of Meditation Techniques teach you to do the same thing that Shamen do in what they call “Soul Retrieval”. To the sound of a beating drum they will enter into the astral plane and bring back to you these split off parts of yourself.

This Ancient Effective Synthesis of Meditation Techniques teaches you how to do this for yourself.

It needs an Ancient Advanced Synthesis of Effective Techniques for Gaining More Energy – Meditation, Shaktipat, Energy Circulation, The Kundalini Kriyas, The Five Elemental Paths Of The Chi Of

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