English Spelling Software? – 3 Reasons to Use it Now!
You no longer need to rely on the spellcheck in your word-processing or text program, or look words you are unsure of up in a dictionary –or use a thesaurus to think of a better word to use. There is now software that does it all -and more- for you. Online English grammar and spelling software reads and corrects as you write, pointing out your errors and suggesting improvements. There are at least three reasons you should use this.
1. Spelling Mistakes are Confusing to Readers
Spelling mistakes are very common. Even if you are a pretty good speller, if you are writing fast and have a lot of work to do, perhaps lots of emails to send out, you may not be thinking about your spelling, and mistakes can be made. This can actually be harmful to your business or social life, if people misunderstand what you are saying because of spelling errors.
2. Spelling and Grammar Errors Are Bad For Your Image
When you make mistakes in your writing and people notice it, it can have a negative effect in the way they think of you. If you are in business, trying to sell something, attempting to persuade someone of something, or even if you are just writing social emails, isn’t it better to be seen as someone who is well educated and can write well?
3. Regular Spellchecks Are Very Limited
Some people, when they hear about grammar and spelling software think, “I already have a spellcheck, what do I need this for?” Well, spellchecks are good at spotting certain
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