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Please rate and comment! 😀 So I decided to learn and record a Pagan’s Mind song to test out my brand spankin’ new Peavey 6505+ tube amp. One of the things that made me want this amp was the fact that many famous guitarists like Eddie Van Halen use this line of amps. It so happens that the guitarist for Pagan’s Mind also uses these amps, and lo and behold, now I’m amazed at how much my guitar tone sounds like Pagan’s Mind. There were no tabs for this song anywhere on the internet, so I had to figure it out by ear. I’m pretty sure I got it mostly right, except for the solo, which is just as close as I could get it in like 10 minutes. He does a bunch of wacky stuff that I didn’t bother to figure out precisely. As with all my vids, the audio is really quiet and only in one channel because of my microphone and iMovie. Just crank it up. My gear for this vid was just my Schecter C7FR guitar, Peavey 6505+ 112 combo amp, and an MXR Classic Overdrive pedal for solos and stuff (which is the source of that obnoxious clicking every now and then). Oh yeah, and it’s a half step lower than normal. I have my guitar tuned down because that’s how my band rolls, and instead of tuning it up for this song (which would be a total pain with the Floyd Rose trem) I just used Audacity to bring the song down a half step.
Video Rating: 5 / 5

4 Responses to Enigmatic Mission (Pagan’s Mind) guitar cover (full song)

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