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Video Rating: 4 / 5
you forgot about the greek goods they were enlightned, you should read about them to. they had the powers to help or completley distroy people or nations who fucked up. they were dangerously powerfull mutants. thats why governments try to sap peoples souls because they like to fuck up and turn a profit on the earth and not pay the ultimate price for their actions. The greek gods are imortal because they knew this world is a awsome gift and if you dont think so your waisting your inlightinment.
Very nice video! I believe everything is real it is just in continuous flux
Jesus is the Way the Truth and the Life
Illusion is the enemy of enlightenment? Ignorance is the enemy of wisdom? Please, understand that illusion and ignorance are ‘natural’ bi-products of consciousness and that you will only be stepping into different forms of illusion and ignorance by trying to eliminate them.
nice vid
good video
this is ego driven, Jesus was a mushroom not a real man, man wants to belive he can be more than all other men & women. there is only one way to suppress this ego driven bull & that is to partake of magic mushrooms.
you cant learn to over come your ego, you have to partake of the flesh of Jesus the magic mushroom. its personal to you. not let me teach you because you have to partake. life is how you see it. not how you tell us to see it.
this is ego driven, Jesus was a mushroom not a real man, man wants to belive he can be more than all other men & women. there is only one way to suppress this ego driven bull & that is to partake of magic mushrooms.
you cant learn to over come your ego, you have to partake of the flesh of Jesus the magic mushroom. its personal to you. not let me teach you because you have to partake. life is how you see it. not how you tell us to see it.
@ShaktipatSeer awrit i b goen to dat shi right now ima play dat game nigga i caint wait!
@drag4630 enlightenedawareness . wetpaint . com
@drag4630 My website has some good material to begin with “Tree of Life”, “Thought Power”, “The Kybalion” will all allow you to see the science involved with Supernatural Magickal Existence
@drag4630 I’m tryin to say that your life is like a video game once you are able to re-connect to the “Grand Unified Field” the Source of All Energy And Life.. Wizards, Magick, Rituals, Summoning Etheric Gnomes to do your bidding, all of this is possible.. because reality happens from inside-out, inside of Consciousness… You have to practice Meditation a lot and study Esoteric WIsdom to be able to even experience that level though before you can work on those planes..
Oh so dis is some kina video game man hook me up nigga
You can see these things in the Etheric Plane~! They aren’t physical though..
@drag4630 It starts to become alot like a video game .. like World of Warcraft.. I feel like a Magician when I summon Gnomes (earth elementals) to do my bidding..
niqqa this is some kind of video game some shii damn dis shii look lik fun shi
very nice
@baybizzle84 Thanks a lot ! =]
this is real knowledge man keep it coming
Far out nice video!!!!
Weed helps me feel englightened. I can meditate for hours when I’m high. Problem is, I get really hungry.
THats awesome man do you have a teacher? Are you part of Self Realization Fellowship?
Kriya Yoga
What type of meditations to you do shaktipat?