After targeting an object with the levitation spell, holding down the left mouse button will keep the object hovering in the air. The player is able to maintain their freedom of movement while levitating an object. Releasing the left mouse button will stop the spell. Enyara – UT2K4 TC Mod
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The Lost Alteration Spells is a mod for The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion. Levitate, Slowfall and Jump like you used to in Morrowind. Experience Super Jumps that can send you flying across entire continents.
Video Rating: 5 / 5
1:52 so epic….
Can I create spells in enchant spelmaking a spell like this if i have this mod?
can I make a spell to do that?
Sry didn’t even finished the vid
Nice mod! What was the first songs name?
Amazing mod, friend