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I mean, seriously. I wouldn’t trust any spell that sounds like that to do anything good for me.

Some of the expressions,outfits and weapons you get when playing as an EVIL Hero
Video Rating: 5 / 5

34 Responses to Eternal Darkness Part 5: Healing Spells Via Ultimate Evil?

  • YoshiFan007 says:


    Xel’lotath zombies…

    I am disappoint.

  • thegameulost says:

    the fertility god is a tentacle monster. Whoever made this game must have been a closeted hentai fan.

  • AHorribleWitch says:

    Or you could pick the fallen head and have it recite Shakespeare (which I’ve heard is able to be DONE).

  • tourniquette1988 says:

    Mantorok is the fertility god for several reasons. 1) He created the ancients, but created them specifically to fight against each other. 2) The plot eludes to him creating life on earth by implying that any representation of a God in any religion are really the Ancient Gods (including Mantorok). 3) While keeping the Ancients from humanity, he allowed humanity to prosper.

  • tourniquette1988 says:

    Yep, but if you want to be PC let’s call her an “exotic dancer”

  • Faustuss1 says:

    Rofl @ the healing spell noise.

  • lolcatz4win says:

    you hallucinate. for instance your head falls of and you run around headless for a few seconds

  • JsonX7 says:

    i like the way the fire sounds

  • FFRxPr0ducti0nz says:

    what happens when you lose sanity in the game?

  • Unknownsage13 says:

    Shes half naked cuz I read shes a pleasure slave.

  • 336forlife says:

    Look up The House scary game on google

  • brothir says:

    This looks more like a scary action/adventure game (sort of like Tomb Raider) than a survival horror game.

  • gnerdus says:

    If he dies you have to do the rest of the chapter with the blowgun.

  • hungaryanhyker says:

    gt names as the 7th or 8th scariest game ever and you’re not scared

    but you scared at ravenholm whats not a big deal to me

  • axl1639 says:

    Hehe. I’ve heard from friends that the Insanity effects are what keep you coming, so I’ll try it out, if I can.

  • Proletariat12 says:

    1I’m in the same boat as you. I pissed my pants at ravenholm, but got through it somehow. But I also played this game. And trust me, you will LOVE IT. Even though it freaks you out, I loved it so much. I played through it in all 3 endings.

  • BingKafei says:

    You can usually sprint through those traps just fine…

  • TheShinyShoe says:

    I wanna see you go crazy 🙁

  • axl1639 says:

    Oh, man. I probably can’t play this game. Hell, I piss my pants when I have to go to Ravenholm in Half-Life 2! But for some reason, it’s always fun watching friends play survival horror games.

  • Hockster00 says:

    I wondered where you get that dart gun.

  • Shipper08 says:

    Lol the first time I played this game it came out of a GameStop bargain bin. I was so excited cause I was too scared to play Resident Evil and I was like AWESOME! A game I can play without pissing myself! Then I lost a good portion of my sanity and was scared shitless anyways lol.

  • Redring120 says:

    LOL your supposed to check for traps

  • hyprAkuma says:

    Yes he is i was like 10 he was 17 so.yeah ^^

  • Steli111 says:

    OMG, One question. Is your brother older than you?

    I also was like meh, not scary, but I was so wrong^^

  • hyprAkuma says:

    i remember the first time i watched my bro play this i was like hm not THAT scary *hides behind a cushion* when i played by myself i was so nervous lol and truly frightened but…i liked it 😮

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