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Question by bridgettxo: Ever have something unexpected happened and you fondly remember it forever?
Whale watching in Hawaii. An older passenger was a native Alaskan and shaman of his tribe. He said he was meeting one here on it’s last journey home. The shaman said his friend had arrived. In the distance a whale broke the surface then headed directly toward us. The shaman said the whale would sing to us as it stayed by our boat.

When it was time to return the shaman with moist eyes held up his right arm over the water with his palm out to say farewell. The whale rolled over and extended his flipper up in the air then moved to the boat to touch his hand. “Goodbye my friend. Sleep well. I will miss you.” he said. The whale then rolled back and poked his head out of the water and blew a water spout and we saw the most beautiful rainbow in the arch of water. The whale then turned away and headed out to sea with a wave of his huge tail. It turned once for a last look and waved goodbye with it’s flipper. It was a very touching moment. I took photos of everything. I’ll never forget it.

Best answer:

Answer by Always Right
I’ll let you know when forever gets here.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

5 Responses to Ever have something unexpected happened and you fondly remember it forever?

  • *Sexy_Sunny* says:

    yes i have a few times. and i tell you what those memories are the best to have.

  • xovampirejeskaox says:

    Thats so awesome. I have some pretty awesome memories like that… Cherish it. ^.^

  • marie says:

    yeah sure

  • PrincessPeePee says:

    That is the makings for a great movie storyline.
    Forever hasn’t came for me yet.

  • apg2000 says:

    The department of justice supremo circulated a memo among his staff urging them to join him in early morning renditions of his own gutsy patriotic song, Let the eagle soar.

    With lines such as: “Oh she’s far to young to die/ You can see it in her eye/ She’s not yet begun to fly” clearly left many employees less than enthralled.

    Actually, now that I think about it, that isn’t funny, just stupid. Sorry.

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