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by Liz05

Everyday Spirituality

Everyday spirituality is found within all of us.  From your first day on this earth you have been influenced by the ideas of society telling you what kind of person you should be.  These ideas and life events molded and shaped you into who you are today.   Your inner spirit has taken a back seat crowded out by all these ideas and notions of who you are and how to live your life. 

Seeing Spirituality Everyday
Look past the physical, look beyond it into each individual’s spiritual center.  Use your awareness to recognize it in all beings.  The best way to begin is to set the mood by just think of the people and things that make you happy:

your loved ones

the sounds of happy children 

the sounds of nature on a quiet spring day

a neighborly act of kindness

a peaceful time for meditatiom

reading a good book or inspirational story 

listening to your favorite music

 You can and will experience an “aaah haaa” moment when you come to rediscover your own inner spirituality and that of the world around you.   If you recognize all the good in your life and give it attention and recognition you will experience the spirituality that surrounds you everyday.

Spirituality is all around you, what is spirituality?  I like this definition of spirituality: “Spirituality is that which relates to or affects the human spirit or soul as opposed to material or physical things.”  Spirituality touches that part of you that is not dependant on material things or physical

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