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Everything you need to know about Chakras

What Are Chakras.

The word “Chakra” comes from the Sanskrit word meaning wheel. The Chakras are centres of spinning energy that form part of the energy system. They work by using the universal energy around us to feed the Aura.

Main Chakras & Secondary Chakras

There are thousands of Chakras in the human body that literally cover us from head to foot, however most of them only provide a minor function in the energy system. The Chakras that provide a more important roll are called the Main Chakras & the Secondary Chakras. There are about 40 Secondary Chakras the most important of these are located in the Spleen, in the palms of the hands & the soles of the feet. The most significant Chakras of all are the Main Chakras. There are seven Main Chakras which are positioned along the spinal column with the 1st or Base Chakra at the base of the spine going up to the 7th Chakra called the Crown Chakra at the top of the head. If you could see one you would see two cone like shapes or spinning vortex’s of energy with the tips touching each other at the spinal column.

Main Chakras & Physical Health.

The Secondary Chakras are generally associated with the function of the physical body. The Main Chakras are associated with our emotional & spiritual state, however the main Chakras can greatly influence our health. An emotional or spiritual imbalance can cause one or more of the chakras to be unbalanced which can then manifest into a physical ailment. Similarly an emotional block can stop the energy from flowing properly through the Chakras. This can again manifest into a physical ailment. For this reason it is important that

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