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EVIL SECRETS!! I Can Transform From Male To Female

IT sounds like a fairy-tale. Most would pass it for a creative, fictitious and surreal account of supernatural experiences, not to be taken literally. But this is a true confession. It’s the account of a man who lived for over 20 years in a world of darkness and devilry. A man who knew the tricks and traits of the satanic kingdom like the back of his hand and is now ready to expose their dark secrets after receiving his freedom.

Before you read, brace yourself. The contents are shocking but the lessons fundamental. The spiritual world is real. We are in a real battle between good and evil. And confessing Christianity is not just enough – we must commit our lives to God totally.

In this exclusive interview with Read Us, an ex-wizard exposes his former kingdom.


“My name is Adebisi Jude Solomon. I am from Kogi State of Nigeria and I’m 43. I was born into a family of seven. We are only three left – I don’t know the whereabouts of the other two. My father was a pagan and one of the community leaders. He didn’t believe in going to either church or mosque. He was among those who wanted to live their own life in the sentiment of their own understanding.

“As for me, I didn’t care for any religion. I just lived my life the way I liked it. I had authority of my own self – no one told me I should do this or that. The sentiment from my own childhood was that I believed in self-government, self-principle of living. I just wanted to live my life; nobody should displease me and I won’t displease anybody.

The Initiation

“When I got into the University of Ilorin, Kwara State, I studied Science Laboratory. At that time, I didn’t know about living

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