contact whereby when you take it to your house or put it on your body as clothes or eat it as a food, it will affect you.
“I can change from male to female, both physically and spiritually. When they have monitored somebody and want me to get them, they will come to you physically to give you an instruction. You and I could be looking at this wall now, and they are giving me instructions – but you will not see it. That is why some people, you will just be discussing with them but they will not be hearing what you are saying. You will think they are thinking of something, but they are busy listening to their master giving them instruction.
“So they will give you instruction. For example, they know your girlfriend. Every girlfriend you have – they know her. I will transform to your girlfriend’s image and come to you physically. The appearance will be exactly the same. Spiritually, they will make sure the girl can’t turn up. She can’t come that way when you are there sleeping with him. That’s how I can initiate men as well.
Spiritual Initiation
“In the spiritual aspect, you can initiate someone in the dream. You will just observe – there’s somebody sleeping with you, having an affair in the dream. The appearance of the person they will bring will be familiar to you – maybe an ex-boyfriend or girlfriend. You just use their image to go to him, if you observe the physical is tight.
“We also go to the beach or swimming pool – it’s another point of initiation. Before you will be convinced to go there, there is something they have planted in that water. When you are swimming, water penetrates into your system. Your skin is open. So the things that have