Exorcising Christ From Christianity
Say what? I am borrowing my title from Alan Elenbaas. Many times someone else says something or makes a statement that just can’t be improved upon or sticks with your spirit man. Furthermore, so it is with this wild and crazy guy named Adam who’s done more drugs than anyone I know and got his best insights to the divine partaking of the ayahausca plant ceremonies in Peru.
Let me add one quote from him that gives you a sense of where I want to go with this commentary.
Adam wrote, “It was through my experiences with psychedelics that I began to see it was possible to be ‘Christ-like’ without being a Christian.” I came at this same conclusion many years ago by wondering why so many people who were avowed atheists were more LOVING than the Christians that I knew. I also knew may agnostics tha were far more moral than the church crowd I knew.
What’s up with that?
You see, I’ve come to the place where I see Jesus as much bigger than ANY religion; and I also am sure that he didn’t come to start another religion, but to reunite us with the reality that we are ALL ONE with Father-God-Consciousness-Source. And kudos to Greg Boyd, who is a former atheist who surrendered his life to Christ in 1974. After his conversion, he discovered that the faith he embraced failed to address many questions and objections to Christianity.
Gregory A. “Greg” Boyd is an evangelical pastor and the Senior Pastor of the Woodland Hills Church in St. Paul, Minnesota. He lost 1,500 of his congregation because he told them God hated war and loved homosexuals, etc. You know, one of those “wake-up” calls when we begin to exorcise Jesus from Christianity. Did you know that God’s not a Republican? And Jesus was not a
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