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Way alone. (There are 450 billion galaxies)

They are some seriously big numbers. But are they correct? I do not know, but to be honest we all know without being astronomers that universe is ridiculously big. In my head when some one says there is no such thing as aliens, this is nothing but an illogical statement. There is no question in my head that beings exist outside of our planet. I would also put forward that there have been races else where in the universe that have long been and gone. Humans seem to perceive ourselves as highly evolved beings but although we are not doing bad, I would suspect there are far greater evolved species than humans. In terms of an evolutionary scale we are actually not that old and as for the characteristics of the human mind well I would say that is still rather primitive in it’s ways. I mean think of what we are doing to our planet and all the species that live upon it. But mostly think of the way we treat each other, with our messed up separatist attitudes and our egos flying all over the place causing at times utter chaos. Surely that is not the ways of a highly evolved mind…. we have a lot to learn.

So I suppose the question I need to ask myself is have we ever had alien visitation?

A man named Laurence Gardner said this: It took man over a million years to progress from using stones as he found them to realization that they could be chipped and flaked to better purpose. It then took another 500,000 years before Neanderthal man mastered the concept of stone tools, and a further 50,000 years before crops were cultivated and metallurgy was discovered. Hence, by all scales of evolutionary reckoning we should still be as far removed from any basic

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