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he may have heard a great rumble in the sky and magical bright lights coming towards him. A ship may have landed; beings came from the ship and maybe departed some information to early man. Now lets say this did occur… in fact think about if this happened in our time. We would see these beings as marvels and we may be in awe of their abilities to cross-space and enter our world. But we would not be as impressed or confused as we have reference points to this and of course we talk of possibilities in this very post. But early man would surely be astounded by this strange phenomenon as this is like nothing they would have ever seen. Would these beings be hailed as supreme beings…. maybe even Gods?

There is a more spiritual belief as well when it comes to ET’s. Many spiritual people believe that ET’s walk amongst us. They believe that there is what is known as Earth angels, beings that have the soul of another entity other than human. They believe that in the realms outside ours that they chose/agreed to come here to learn, to teach and to play a part in the evolution of the human mind. Now generally speaking there are a few different types of Earth angel. You have the angelic souls and the wise beings etc, but there are also believed to be something called star-seeds. They are said to be of extraterrestrial origin and they have crossed their souls to here for various reasons. They of course appear human as they have been born into the human physical form but fundamentally they do not feel 100% comfortable here as the souls come from elsewhere.

Now this is just my mind pondering but I have wondered if maybe aliens could even be us? I am not talking about our capabilities at the moment or suppressed

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