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Faith Works

We were in the storefront, with very little room, and I was talking to Dave Miller who would be our first building chairman. Through his work the church we had served us well for thirteen years. My son, Matthew, about three at the time, comes walking by. DIt was this time of year, the Sunday after Halloween, when I knew what life had in store for me. Somebody had bought too much candy and decided it would be good to bring it to church for the coffee fellowship for the kids.ave and I keep talking–we don’t even notice him. Then I looked down and the new, white preaching gown I had just got back from the cleaners had a big smudge of chocolate on it. Amazing–I hadn’t even felt the little rat’s hand or face on me. I and Miller both started laughing.

That’s when I knew what my life would bring.

Faith Works

1.Will I meet him with my head in the clouds?

2.Or with chocolate smudges on my robe?

We come across another leader of God’s people in our text for today, a king of Judah named Asa. He was a good king. “He commanded Judah to seek the Lord, the God of their fathers, and to obey his laws and commands. He removed the high places and incense altars in every town in Judah, and the kingdom was at peace under him. He built up the fortified cities of Judah, since the land was at peace. No one was at war with him during those years, for the Lord had given him rest. ‘Let us build up these towns,’ he said to Judah, ‘and put walls around them, with towers, gates and bars. The land is still ours, because we have sought the Lord our God; we sought him and he has given us rest on every side.’ So they built and prospered

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