when you can choose “Dual Wield” things become even more awesome. Let me mention also that with this tree your totems are the most powerful. So become the best self buffed killing machine without any downtime. So no downtime equals fast Shaman leveling. If there comes to the critical situations, you can escape very fast from the scene with Improved “Ghost Wolf” talent.
Fast Shaman Leveling – Questing?
Definitely questing! It is the fastest way to get experience points (XPs). But keep in mind that Blizzard created some quests just to slow you down. Those quests take you a lot of time to complete and reward you with very little XP points.
To know exactly which quests to pick up, get yourself a WoW Leveling Guide. With this guide I reached level 80 in 7 days: http://www.kreativaonline.com/zygorguides
Article Source: Fast Shaman Leveling – Few Tips – How to Level a Shaman Fast
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