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Would you rather have knowledge or happiness? Faith or certainty? Ten thousand dollars or proof that Hell exists? DIRECTED BY DAVID SCHNEIDER & DREW DAYWALT.
Video Rating: 4 / 5

25 Responses to FEWDIO Horror: Curse

  • swordcrasher says:

    @TinyHeadHouse indeed, im atheist but i think that was the point of the meaning

  • HIM47 says:

    im not a fan of religion but this is one of my favorite shorts 😀 you guys rock

  • TinyHeadHouse says:

    @swordcrasher I’ve heard it differently…

  • MSunflower1991 says:

    This kind of reminds me of a Courage the Cowardly Dog episode.

  • lunarchyld says:

    Nice use of orange/blue contrast.

  • OgnarPliskin says:

    You just CAN’T resist curiosity, not even with $10,000 in your hands.

  • EdibleMealman says:

    Why are these so good?

  • 2k5R1Pilot says:

    Well done. The person playing Adam (im presuming he supposed to be Adam) was great. The actor playing the hitman was so so…

  • spartan277 says:

    @MaverickXIII Really?

  • MaverickXIII says:

    @spartan277 no spartan277 and EddieBrock412, you guys are missing the whole POINT!

  • Morichikawa says:

    Am I the only who would have walked the fuck away?
    I’m just asking…

  • spartan277 says:

    @EddieBrock412 Then you’re implying that God intentionally put the tree in the garden specifically so it could never be used? I guess that might make some kind of sense. We are talking about a God who put a tree in the center of the Garden just so Adam and Eve could get kicked out. The idea of Original Sin and “No Death” before the Fall, are nowhere in the Bible, and I challenge you to find them before you accept that interpretation.

  • EddieBrock412 says:

    @spartan277 I’m not sure why the Tree was there if people couldn’t die, but there was no death. Death is the penalty for sin. No sin, no death. That’s why Jesus died for us. He had no sin, so he didn’t have to die. Dying anyway destroyed death’s power.

  • spartan277 says:

    @EddieBrock412 It just seems pretty redundant in the Bible if you look at it that way. It’s never stated anywhere in the Bible that there was no death before the Fall. That idea is relatively new. There would be no reason for a Tree of Life unless people could die.

  • EddieBrock412 says:

    @spartan277 No, I think Adam and ever were immortal until they ate from the Tree, and then they were vulnerable to death. But if they then ate from the Tree of Life, too, they’d live forever.
    The video implies Adam wasn’t immortal to begin with.

  • spartan277 says:

    @EddieBrock412 Adam and Eve were not already immortal. Genesis 3:22 “And the LORD God said, Behold, the man is become as one of us, to know good and evil: and now, lest he put forth his hand, and take also of the tree of life, and eat, and live for ever:” The snake was right. Eating of the Tree of Knowledge wouldn’t kill Adam, but being cut off from the Tree of Life would lead to his death. Adam and Eve would only be immortal if they also ate from the ToL, so God kicked them out of Eden.

  • EddieBrock412 says:

    @spartan277 He said the tree would make Adam immortal. Adam was already immortal and the tree would kill him. How could he be less accurate?

  • spartan277 says:

    @EddieBrock412 Actually it seemed pretty accurate to me.

  • NASTY138 says:

    The dialogue in this is fucking great. I’m new to your channel, but I must say, the guy with the briefcase “handcuffed” to his wrist is a pretty great actor.

  • SoundsofRainandSun says:

    @beanisoner I heard it on Kelly (liam sullivan): The Prequel “What R U guys talking about?” But I am wondering if Liam Sullivan got that tune from someone else. Its REALLY bothering me! haha. Because I want to freakin play it.

  • yasuomessi88 says:

    so scary!!!!

  • zevex747 says:

    This is like something out of a Clive Barker story. Very enthralling.

  • EddieBrock412 says:

    @AngelsRamen First of all, it was a grammatical error. Maybe worth mentioning, but opening your response with it is kinda weak. Second, I get that he was going for an interesting horror script, and he succeeded. I never said I didn’t enjoy it. I’m just saying that there are massive inaccuracies to the Biblical source material, which proved distracting. Picture a short film which constantly brings up parallels to Shakespeare, written by a man who obviously never read Shakespeare. Get my point?

  • AngelsRamen says:


    He was going with ‘writing’ (not righting- does the bible not have grammar, or is it just you?) an interesting script for a horror short. It’s not like it’s meant to be believed- if that was so all of the other videos about ghosts and monsters would be intended to be interpreted as real as well.

    If you don’t care for it I hardly see why it’s necessary to watch it.

  • beanisoner says:

    whats the song at the end?

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