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Lyltia – RDM85/NIN42 vs. Wherwetrice @ Attohwa Chasm Spawned with Mangled Cockatrice Skin. Drops WHM/BLM/RDM/SCH AF3+1 Head seals. Summary: Pull it from spawn point to the rock shown and run it clockwise around the rock while applying DoTs and alternating shadows and nukes. The preferable spots to cast at are shown in the video. Even when kited perfectly, you can still only nuke so often without taking hits; maximizing per-nuke damage and getting as much damage as possible out of Chainspell are the best ways to reduce your time. Good luck! Spells used: Haste, Refresh II, Utsusemi: Ni, Poison II, Bio III (x5), Water V, Aero V. Abilities used: Chainspell, Composure, Saboteur (every other Poison II cast). Items used: Temp MP meds, Ascetic’s Tonic. Other buffs: Full Cruor buffs, Atma of Ambition, Atma of Illusion. Gear focus: Fast Cast, Nuke damage, PDT-%

Lyltia – SCH85/RDM42 vs. Ruminator @ Abyssea – La Theine Spawned with Scarlet Demilune Abyssite Drops Hochomasamune, Heafoc Mitts, Kensho Hachimaki Summary: Start with full buffs and run it as far as you can til buffs run out, then use Hermes Quencher to gain distance. Use Celerity to reapply buffs, make sure you have some distance when Flee wears off (I didn’t). Once at the wall, Ebullience Helices and your best nuke as recasts allow, use a secondary nuke for extra damage. Between Sublimation (precharged), Convert, and Cruor meds MP should never be an issue. Good luck! Spells used: Stoneskin, Blink, Phalanx, Rainstorm, Water V, Stone V, Hydrohelix, Drain, Aspir. Abilities used: Tabula Rasa, Ebullience, Sublimation, Convert. Items used: Hermes Quencher, Cream Puff, Temp MP meds, Ascetic’s Tonic. Other buffs: Full Cruor buffs, Atma of Ambition, Atma of Illusions. Gear focus: Nuke damage, PDT-%, Convert/Max HP

4 Responses to FFXI – RDM/NIN vs. Wherwetrice Part 2

  • Lyltia says:

    Thank you. It has Double Attack 100% so an evasion build would be necessary; I’m not sure how accurate it is. The icon is Barsilence, which reduced Mute duration to ~30s; highly recommended.

  • cheezbag says:

    Very nice solo! Do you think a well-geared 85 NIN and BRD or NIN and RDM could duo this straight up melee? Main worry I have is his Sound Vacuum move since Mute can’t be healed. Also what’s that status between Shell and Stoneskin? I know you’re not silenced lol.

  • Jurojin says:

    @Phritz777 Pinning requires no skill, so no.

  • Phritz777 says:

    best mage on any server

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