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Financial Payment Trends by Your Zodiac Sign – Get Ahead!

Aries – financially consistent. Ariens are reasonably consistent when it comes to financial management. They do let themselves down when it comes to checking their bank and credit card statements, and should try to check them more thoroughly to spot anything unusual. Advice: You are headstrong, and always busy with yet another project. Don’t forget that with all the projects you do, they still need to be managed hence your statements!

Taurus – financially thorough. Taureans are fairly meticulous in their financial management, demonstrating solid and consistent organisational skills. However, they are let down by their shredding laziness. Advice: Your task for the next six months is to set a financial goal and watch it grow. You are strategic enough to plan ahead so you should’nt have a problem.

Gemini – least financially organised star sign. Geminis fall below the mark when it comes to financial management, not quite hitting the spot when it comes to organising their bank and credit card statements. Advice: As an Air sign you’ve plenty ideas…think small enough for you to handle ONE idea at a time in ALL aspects.

Cancer – chequebook-loving. Cancerians adore their chequebooks, rejecting cash for this form of payment. They demonstrate a strong tendency to check their bank or credit card statements regularly, but are not so good at paying

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