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Finding The Right Photography Book

Looking through the lens and taking a picture is just one of the things people need to know about photography. This is because there are other things an aspiring photographer needs to know to be among the best in the field.

Aside from taking classes that may be expensive, the best resource is still from books. There have been many written for first timers as well as professionals. These focus on shots in different settings from portraits, to nature and a lot more.

Regardless of the location, here are some of the things hobbyists will find in most photography books.

1. The most important thing to taking a picture is having a good background. Many use a wall but the most important thing to remember is never to use one that is either black or plain white since this will not look good when the picture is developed.

2. The photographer should avoid taking pictures with anything metallic or shiny in the background since this could affect the overall impact of the shot.

3. The person or subject to be taken should be a few feet from the background to minimize shadows caused by artificial or natural light. This also increases depth, which is good for the picture.

4. Lighting can be controlled if this is done in a studio. It is advisable to use a flash meter to achieve the right settings. Outdoors, some lamps can be used to adjust the brightness coming from the sun.

5. The camera should always be a at the right distance. Some people are not able to stay in one position for a period of time so using a tripod can prevent blurs and hazy images. The position of the sun is also important. It must not be in front of the camera

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