Question by Jacob Santillan: First time I asked a Wiccan Question in Spirituality, I got flamed
Binding a Wrongdoer Question btw?
I try not to divulge my practices to anyone I personally know, but since I still am a bit anonymous here, I can say that I practice sympathetic magic. This NASTY person I talk about is someone who spreads lies about everyone CONSTANTLY, has a bullying approach to everyone (Although she can hardly bully at all), has a real affinity for intrigues and scandals, and knows how to play the bosses (work). Through one of her many BRAGS, I came to know that she supposedly can do Folkloric-Scary-B-Movie-Black-… type of Magic. And also, she is, as she says – “INVULNERABLE” to all sorts of Magic. (In my country, it’s a pop-culturish brag to say you’re psychic and that you can do metaphysical stuff). She has a crystal pendant wrapped in cloth to prove that, supposedly. I have the means to stop her in her destructive wake, but I’m a bit held back by the simple wording of her saying she’s “IMMUNE”. I’d like to hear some opinions before I do anything drastic. Thanks!
Best answer:
Answer by merrybodner
Pooh on her. Nobody is immune.
What do you think? Answer below!
If you honestly know magic and casting, you know there is no good and bad, only intent.
I don’t see why you are hesitating – if she pisses you off then go ahead and try. But, if she is warded properly, be very careful in what you do, as it could be deflected back to you.
She doesn’t need a bind, you need to remove her from your life.
This is a magic question, not a Wiccan one, BTW.
“I’d like to hear some opinions before I do anything drastic.”
This is why you were reported. Not your religious beliefs, but your intent to do harm to someone else. That sort of thing is against the guidelines.
Asking others to help you harm someone else – even if it’s part of your religious practice or you really feel the person has it coming to them – is against the user guidelines.
I wouldn’t be surprised if they remove this one, too.
I think you’ll find you can ask questions regarding your practices as long as they don’t involve harming others.
I don’t know about magic, but if you think about karma, she will eventually get what’s coming to her. My advice would be to live your life doing good, let the bad flow back to those who dish it out. If you attempt to hinder or bind someone, what you send out will come back full course to you…sometimes more powerful than what was sent out.
Sounds like my lunatic ex-sister-in-law, except she wasn’t into magic (that I know of anyway). I’d just avoid her, then she can be as “immune” as she wants.
No one is immune. Do the binding and be done with the b^tch.
The easiest way to stop her harmimg you is to ignore it.
if you bind her, she can break it by sending your binding energy back to you threefold…. which can have some bad effects for you. my friend & i broke a binding on her that way, and the three people who did it had bad things happen to them within a couple weeks. one had a heart attack due to a blocked artery; one was diagnosed with Crohn’s disease; the last was diagnosed with a very aggressive form of breast cancer….
try doing spells to protect you & those she harms. It will be harder for her to detect them, and if broken you’ll have no negativity coming back to you. and it will hopefully have a similar effect (stopping destruction)
I was always taught the power of Jesus CHRIST can protect you and bind you from the “enemy”.
We live in a nutty world, for people to take this $h!t THAT seriously?
what is this binding you talk of, witch?
So this other person claims to be “immune”, ok let her or him prove it first. If this person really dose black magick then karma will be enough punishment back to them. As for the crystal wrapped in cloth, anyone can claim they own that for magick reasons. From what you wrote, sounds like this person is just trying to fit in or be cool and really can’t do any form of magick. Even if a person claims to be immune, they still have a weakness, find that and you can have fun with it.
as for the people who said you are evil and all that good stuff, ignore them because all they know is its not their religion and all others are automaticlly evil.
I just put up a reply to your “Wiccan Question in Spirituality” and just want to make this observation.
Your question wasn’t “Wiccan”, your question was about “teaching her a lesson” because you “have the means to allow nature to teach lessons to destructive wrongdoers”.
That’s contrary to the Wiccan Rede, which is why responses you got from Wiccans and Pagans (myself included) were basically “Don’t do it”.
It was about magic, which is why the Christians and Atheists in R&S gave you negative response.
Just know that no one is immune to any type of magick. She just says this to discourage anyone from sending her magick back to her. I suspect that probably a simple spell return spell would set her right. No one is INVULNERABLE to anything. She has a weakness. Bragging shows how immature in her magick she actually is.
She is most definitely immune to *your* magic…because you believe that she is.
If she lies about other people, why wouldn’t she lie to you about herself, hm?
My advice: quit listening to her and have as little to do with her as possible.
< <__I'M__>> immune and would challenge anybody to prove otherwise. Thanks to the technology, it would be possible to conduct a rather scientific test. I invite ALL witches, psychic vampires, demonists, and whatever else, to contact me by e-mail and I will set up a demonstration. But because of the Yahoo rules, it couldn’t be done here, We would have to use another forum. Sure, I’ll be back later if I get a few takers by e-mail. I’ll ask a question that includes all the information necessary for anyone to come and witness the psychic/magical/demonic attack on me.
Okay, it’s 2 days later now. I have a thumbs down but not one taker on my challenge. So typical. Know what that means? It means that none of these people talking all this “wytch” and “magick” garbage believes in their own claims. And what’s the big attraction to using 16th century spellings? What a silly affectation! It’s witch. And magic. Maybe you love the romance of innocent people getting “byrnt at ye olde staycke.”
It’s been 4 days now. Still no takers.
protect yourself and in doing so no harm can come to you, who cares what she can or can’t do- She is Trouble and karma will deal with her. I know people who do magic and the best thing to do if she is being nasty is leave her be, and sit back and watch what happens. Best of luck to you:-)
On the one hand, I agree with most of my magickal siblings, even those who are a little more “perturbed” than the rest of us. It’s not your place, right, or decision to do ANYTHING about the situation……let the universe take care of her. You already know it will. Any action you take will be compromised due to the fact that you know you have a problem with her as a person, and that no amount of righteous indignation is going to circumvent that. Thoughts are things, and if you do anything, your negative feelings will seep through no matter what you do.
As it stands, you’ve already admitted she’s got the psychological edge on you since you believe she’s immune. (which is crap, btw)
Your best bet would be to carry some form of ward, that will deflect ALL negative energy, not just hers. Any black stone is good, obsidian, onyx, apache tear, jet….bogee stone…a sachet of loose rosemary, angelica, marjoram, marigold, cinquefoil….not only do they protect, they deflect.
Hope this helps
She’s not immune to anything. I suggest you learn how to protect yourself(perhaps use the LBRP). There’s a few Voodoo oils you can use for putting her in her place, I hear Devil’s Snuff would be perfect, considering it only effects her if she bothers you. If you prefer a binding, go for it. She can’t do anything about it, considering the more she brags the less chance there is she can actually do anything. So what it she has a bloody crystal pendant? What’s that gonna do? Forget the karma-that’s not going to do anything. It’s your duty to do something, such as a binding(Nothing TOO drastic). Would you sit back and watch a kid get mowed over by a bus because it’s all about karma? Yeah. Thought not.
My Son, I would first ask you to not do a thing and allow her own karma to catch up with her. People like that who like to brag and to harm people with their bragging will eventually trip over their own feet.
The Second thing I’d ask you to do is go right up to her look her in the eye the next time she says she’s immune to all Magic and say ” You are NOT” and then just walk away and ignore her. That would be the best thing you could really do to her. Ignore her and all the crap that comes with her.
If you stop adding fuel to her fire it will eventually wither away — at least in your case. Others will have to do what they need to do.
You need to stop worrying about her hold over you. Essentially that’s what you and everyone else around her have. We had a lady around here that had that. She held eveyone captive with pity for her (essentially the opposite of what your lady is doing). she was sick with this and that and the other. People gave her money and housed her and fed her for years. It only stopped when people really saw what she was. It only stopped after I confronted her and confronted her hard — told her she was using people, asked her for her medical papers and for the proof that she had the diseases that she was claiming. I promised that if she copuld produce them that I would publically apologise. She didn’t, couldn’t and said she wouldn’t. A few people began a class action lawsuit against her and things began to change. I am very ashamed and sorry to say I had to hurt a couple of people to rid the New Age community of the parasite that was draining it. I’ve chosen to move to the outskirts myself, but she knows I’m lurking and she’s left the area.
It’s for that reason I ask you to be very careful of your own actions. Confront her if you have to; but realise the price.
Blessings my Son.
ok…maybe by stating it was a “Wiccan” question was were you went wrong….ask Wytches – Wiccans are White Magick workers and this request falls under the category of Grey Magick.
As a Pagan I have no problem with this stuff, so Im happy to answer.
IF she talks about this as much as you say then SHE IS NOT what she says as any good practitioner of the Arts (either black or white) knows that the talking about ones power in that way only
a) lessens the ability of the practitioner and
b) those who can – do, those who cant – talk about it>
NO ONE is immune to magick. and oh big deal she carries a crystal….I dont know of many black magick workers who would “waste their time” on crystals, when they call call on spirits and “daemons” directly.
As for her ‘folkloric, black magick’ this pretty much a contradiction in terms as folk magick (Low Magick) uses herbs etc to heal/harm… magick itself is usually ceremonial magick (High Magick) which uses Alchemy, symbolism and Calling upin spirits.
It honestly sounds like this person is all talk – however it also sounds like your right and she needs to have a kick up the backside – metaphysically speaking.
I have a fantastic binding spell I would be happy to give you if you want it – however remember binding someone also binds them to you!
Good morning; From the R/S’er that didn’t roast you.
IT just occurs to me about the mirror. I used this to deflect a person who kept showing up in my dreams. It was getting so bad that I was hiding out in my dreams.
Mirror/black string/intent.
I know that your intent is not to do harm. Just another piece for you.
Karma will take care of it. My question to you Is it worth the energy? There are pretenders everywhere and more than a few who just say thing to inflame the situation.