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Now it’s Pepperman’s turn to beat a meta-Deck. He and I worked together to make a Flamvell Assault Deck. This build has some recruiting and the “Instant Fusion” module from the old Stardust Dragon Turbo Deck. Pepperman (Flamvell Assault) and Goofy Playz (Lightsworn) Part 1) Learning Experiences Part 2) Lightsworn Vengeance Part 3) Pepperman fail? You can see the picture of the former wallpaper from 0:40 and its former accompanying text on my blog: November 27, 2009 Flamvell Assault MONSTERS: 18 3 Flamvell Firedog 3 Flamvell Magician 3 UFO Turtle 1 Summoner Monk 2 Assault Beast 2 Arcane Apprentice 2 Stardust Dragon/Assault Mode 2 Rose, Warrior of Revenge SPELLS: 12 3 Instant Fusion 1 Heavy Storm 1 Mystical Space Typhoon 1 Giant Trunade 2 Rekindling 1 Card Destruction 1 Lightning Vortex 1 Brain Control 1 Mind Control TRAPS: 10 2 Assault Mode Activate 2 Karma Cut 2 Bottomless Trap Hole 1 Solemn Judgment 1 Torrential Tribute 1 Mirror Force 1 Call of the Haunted EXTRA DECK: Up to 3 Stardust Dragons 1 Charubin the Fire Knight 1 Karbonala Warrior 1 Darkfire Dragon 1 Musician King 1 Arcanite Magician 1 Colossal Fighter Rest is flexible
Video Rating: 4 / 5

This is the end of your revenge spell. You cannot continue until there is further trespass. When you come in to pick up your sealed bottle I will instruct you in it’s use. My Brother do not allow hatred to destroy you, allow the majik to work, and give it time, the effect of these spells has caused a ripple that will grow into a mighty wave by the time it comes crashing down on it’s victims. Be patient wait upon the Lord, do good and glorify Gd. The Gd to whom vengeance belongs will not be denied.
Video Rating: 5 / 5

38 Responses to Flamvell Assault and Lightsworn

  • AngelusSpkGrrl says:

    i’m a wiccan. I’ve practiced for 13 years yet still I am afraid of such spells. As a Scorpio I carry many grudges yet have not acted. if you have any advice please help my e-mail is

  • drliquid8 says:

    @fizzleshlict Do not use spells for petty gain or revenge. if you have just cause, that is one thing. Remember spells like this are in alignment with the belief that Nonviolence is the greatest force at the disposal of mankind

  • sheronaJ says:

    I haven’t seen parts 1, 2 and 3. I am going to go back and watch the entire spell. Thank you for the post doktorguy

  • fizzleshlict says:

    sorry that is x-boyfriend, not e-boyfriend – i’m not talking about some ethereal boy

  • fizzleshlict says:

    I have an e-boyfriend I would like to cast a revenge spell on

  • deadrnot says:

    @alexbordwin Yes I am also very interested in this spell. I will review more of the information on the site

  • vderia says:

    @necropopular I believe people oversimplify the universe with terms like black and white magic.

  • alexbordwin says:

    i reviewed the littlebekley website. nice resources. I could use this spell

  • perryprowl says:

    intense. i am a naturally gifted tarot reader. but i have not felt a calling to venture into mystical or magical arts.

  • necropopular says:

    Great spell by the way.

  • necropopular says:

    @Doktorguy, what is you take on some people thinking Revenge Spells might be black magic and evil? Do you make a differentiation between black /white / gray magic?

  • LauraLeedsU says:

    The incantation in this spell is very powerful. Very nice post. Very informative

  • mjpowers1515 says:

    I agree what you say about hatred in the description. Hatred does more damage to the person who holds the emotion than to the person who is hated.

    It is best to utilize a spell such as this and let karma do its work, while you dispel any negative emotions

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